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Doodles Death in The Scarlet Ibis Essay


Doodles death

Wouldnt it be a tragedy to loose one of your younger siblings? In The Scarlet Ibis brothers attitude leads to Doodles death because he had too much pride.

Brother is cruel to doodle. For example the doctor has advised the family that he mustnt get too hot, too cold, or too tired, and that he must always be treated gently. Brother ignores what Doodles doctor says, and does the opposite. Brother shows his arrogance. In addition when brother takes Doodle up to the barn loft he shows him his own casket. Brother told Doodle before Ill help you down from the loft, youre going to touch it. Brother took the power to make Doodle touch his own casket. Therefore that leads to showing how brother is cruel to Doodle.

Brother is ashamed of having a crippled sibling. For example brother said I began making plans to kill him by smothering Doodle with a pillow. When you have a brother or sister who is disabled you would want to show more love and not be ashamed. In addition brother also said when Doodle was five years old I was embarrassed of having a brother that age who cannot walk so, I set out to teach him. Brother tries his best, and he does something good, but not for the right reason. The family accepts Doodle and takes him by the fireplace.

Furthermore brother and Doodle soon become closer and build a better relationship, but brother still pushes him to hard and he soon dies. Brother soon realizes Doodle was special and unique. Brother should have accepted him and not let his pride overcome him.

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