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The Scarlet Ibis Essay


In the story The Scarlett Ibis by author James Hurst, the main character Brother, also had to go through disturbing experiences as Buddy in the Snowman by Tom Perlotta. In the final scene of the story Scarlet Ibis, Brother is running with his little brother Doodle home from another of Doodles swimming practices. After the moment Brother sees Doodles death, he realizes that he did not intend to overload his little brothers physical abilities and becomes more wise by learning from his mistakes. Buddy comes of age by undergoing through life changing experiences.

In the beginning of the story, Buddy is an innocent boy. For example when Buddy and his friend Neil were playing basketball at their local park, an unknown boy cursed at them and Buddy was thinking through himself: Of course we were assholes. Who else would be playing outside in 20-degree weather, just two days after the biggest snowstorm of the year? It was Neils idea (68). Also when Buddy, Zirko and Zirkos crew catch the boy who punched Buddy, he begs Zirko: Please dont hurt him. This shows that Buddy cannot express his feelings at the right time and holds everything inside him until the last moment.

Throughout the story Buddy is changed and by the end losses his innocence. When standing in front of Chuckies house, Zirko was in the process of destroying the snowman; Buddy was trying to stop him but in the end gave him the crowbar to completely take out the dog shrine. Jesus, Andy. Thats someones dog. He dropped the picture onto the ground, and then turned to me with his hand out. I gave him what he wanted. (82).His realization, which reflects his acceptance to the face that the snowman is going to be destroyed, shows that Buddy is maturing. Another example of Buddys lose of innocence is when Chucky arrives home and sees his dog shrine ruined; Zirko and Buddy understand that Chucky was mistaken with the other boy and rush to pick up the cans he dropped. Zirko knelt beside me to help out. We traded a quick glance, and his eyes were wild with remorse. (87). The remorse that Buddy feels is the realization of that it is his fault, which is a factor of loss of innocence.

Buddy under comes the age by undergoing through life changing experiences. The experiences he went through helped him realize that he is becoming an adult and is maturing.

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