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Literary Devices in The Scarlet Ibis Essay


Have you ever had a sibling that has picked on you or push you to the limit of no end? The Scarlet Ibis written by James Hurst shares the struggle of two brothers using flashback, conflict and symbolism.

The short novel takes place in the narrators flashback of World War one and the struggles he faced with his mentally challenged little brother. His flashback reminds him how much he pushed his younger brother Doodle to walk and be like every other normal child. They spent every day down by Old Woman Swamp and helped him learn how to walk, then eventually build strength to swim. Doodle was my brother, and he was going to cling to me forever; no matter what I did, so I dragged him across the burning cotton field to share with him the only beauty I knew, Old Woman Swamp His eyes were round with wonder as he gazed the rubber grass. Then he began to cry. (Pg.4-5)

Conflict built up that summer at Old Woman Swamp. The narrator was very ashamed of his little brother Doodle, and pushed him to learn to walk, run, jump, and even swim. Doodle said he was too tired to swim, so we got into a skiff and floated down the creek with the tide. Far off the in the marsh a rail was scolding, and over on the beach locusts were singing in the myrtle trees. Doodle did not speak and kept his head turned away, letting one hand trail limply in the water. (Pg. 9) Towards the end of the summer Doodle became very ill, but his brother did not give up on him. The day the Scarlet Ibis showed up at their house Doodle died from being pushed to the limit of no end.

With the death of Doodle and the Scarlet Ibis there was symbolism. Some of the symbolism includes; they both died in a storm, very fragile and physically challenged, both Doodle and the Scarlet Ibis were not expected to live, and had long thin necks. He lay very awkwardly, with his head thrown far back, making his vermilion neck appear unusually long and slim. His little legs, bent sharply at the knees, had never before seemed so fragile, so thin. (Pg. 10) The day Doodle found the Scarlet Ibis he was not afraid of it, he built it a grave and buried it. The beautiful red color of the Ibis symbolized the redness of blood that was being washed away from Doodle in the rain when he died.

The novel The Scarlet Ibis shows struggle between two brothers trying to live a normal life. When pushed to far though, one loses his life with the Scarlet Ibis.

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