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Freedom in In the time of the butterflies Essay


In the Time of the Butterflies, written by Julia Alvarez, is a rare and inspirational tale of four sisters fighting for their freedom. They each contributed to the fight against the thirty-year dictatorship of Rafael Leonidas Trujillo. As the Mirabel sisters realize the tyranny of Trujillo, they meet new people and learn things they would have never thought could happen. Alvarez describes the influence of Virgilio Morales on Ded and Minerva Mirabel through their eye-opening awareness of what is really occurring around them.

Minervas actions and well being are significantly affected by Virgilio Morales as the novel progresses. As he is introduced, Minerva explains how she could be connected to him, Your name sounds familiar. Do you know Elsa Snchez and Sinita Perozo? Theyre at the university (68). The topic of the university gave a push for Virgilio and Minerva to deepen their friendship. Her companionship with him grew as they contacted each more often. Ded describes it as the beginning of problems, Because Lo [Virgilio] presented a very real opportunity to fight against the regime. I think that, after him, Minerva was never the same (66). Following the discovery of Virgilios goal of an uprising, Minerva agrees to help him. Minervas pervious knowledge of Trujillos harm gave her an understanding of Virgilios plans. Minerva Mirabel expresses her emotionally strong side as she is constantly enclosed with the thoughts of Virgilio.

Deds influence from Virgilio was very minor but in reverse her actions affect him with opposite purposes. In the novel, Alvarez says, The presence of Lo gave her the courage to go further with Jaimito than ever before (76). When Virgilio was introduced, Ded was attracted to him, but realized that him and Minerva were more compatible. Ded silenced her desires and instead, married her true sweetheart, Jaimito. Alvarez also says, Ded took the chimney off the lamp, and with a trembling hand, fed the letter to the flame. The paper lit up. Ashes fluttered like moths, and Ded ground them to dust on the floor. She had taken care of the problem, and that was that (83). Ded had intercepted an important letter that Lo tried to give to Minerva that had asked her to run away with him. Ded chose to remove the decision of going or not going for her sister because she knew it was the safe and right thing to do. Ded did things that impacted Lo and Minerva in what could be a positive and a negative way depending on how one views the situation.

Virgilio Morales, Minerva, and Ded Mirabel all affect one another in different ways. Although they are under the rule of Trujillo, they still find time for romance regardless of what the outcome is. They wouldve never expected something like a revolution would occur, however they embraced reality and fought for what was right. They each have a unique personality that Julia Alvarez depicts in the story of In the Time of the Butterflies.

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