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Fictionalising History in In the Time of the Butterflies Essay


Question: By fictionalizing the live of the Mirabal sisters, what is done to the actual history?

Julia Alvarez wrote a novel based on the real Mirabal sisters, however she fictionalized their lives. This novel is not a biography, but you get informed of it only at the end of the book. Reading this novel, you assume that what the author is writing is legitimate information due to the little details.

By fictionalizing their lives and just concentrating on their daily drama, the author made the actual history less important. The reader learned more about their crushes and personal experiences then struggle the people of Dominican Republic faced during Trujillos rule. Julia Alvarez wanted to show each sisters personality, and the fear each sister faced in order to fight Trujillo.

Trujillo was a brutal dictator. He took over people businesses, farms, homes etc. He pocketed a lot of peoples money and laundered then to foreign accounts. Many people were killed because they showed signs of oppositions. People were tortured for information on others. Women were constantly raped. He even massacred people on the other side of the island because he didnt want any outsiders. Julia Alvarez only gives you a little taste of this.

The sisters sacrificed a great deal in order to become signs of hope for the people of Dominican Republic. Julia Alvarez showed them as regular people that were courageous enough to stand up for what they believe in, while everybody else was willing to put up with the abuse.

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