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Overview of In the time of the butterflies Essay


Plot Summary

The novel In the Time of the Butterflies takes place in the Dominican Republic. The whole novel itself is depicting the lives of four sisters struggling in this time of the dictator Rafael Trujillo. The sisters throughout the whole book also narrate it. There are four sections that are divided up according to the time and year.

Section 1: 1938-1946

In the first chapter, the surviving sister Dede starts off by talking to this American woman that is interviewing her and her story.

In the second chapter, one of her sisters, Minerva narrates and depicts major events between 1938, 1941, and 1944. Minerva and her sister Patria want to go to a boarding school. Minerva has been begging her father to go, so she may become a nun. Her father didnt approve at first, but eventually let them. She meets this girl by the name of Sinita Perozo. All of Sinitas male family members were murdered for going against Rafael Trujillo, the Dominican dictator.

In 1941, Trujillo had the nerve to seduce one of the most beautiful girl in Minervas school, Lina Lovatn. When she was pregnant, Trujillo sends her to live in Miami. The main event of 1944 was a play that was performed by Minerva, Sinita, and some other friends for their Independence Day and to have a chance to perform in front of Trujillo himself. During the performance, Sinita points a bow and arrow at Trujillo in the attempt to kill him, but Trujillos son, Ramfis, stopped her.

In the third chapter, it has many of Maria Teresas diary entries between 1945 and 1946. They describe things that she liked to do as a child, Minervas friendship and fighting Trujillo.

In 1946, Patria is still deciding whether or not she wants to become a nun, but in the meantime, she falls in love with Pedrito Gonzalez. Eventually they marry and have a son and daughter, Nelson and Noris. Their third child was born dead. After that incident, she seemed to have lost all her faith, but she regains with Virgin Mary supposedly speaking to her.

Section 2: 1948-1959

Ded falls in love with her cousin Jaimito and later marries him. Ded burns a letter that was intended for her sister Minerva but it was about joining a communist named Lio.

Minerva narrates the sixth chapter in 1949. She wants to attend law school since she graduated from Immaculada. She finds out that her father has four illegal daughters. The family goes to this party that was hosted by Trujillo and Minerva slapped Trujillo while they were dancing because he was being rude. The Mirabals leave the party even though it was against the law. Minerva forgot her purse which has letters from Lio and later, Enrique Mirabal was arrested. They apologized to Trujillo personally and he released him.

Maria Teresa writes in her diary some more that were between 1953 and 1958. In 1953, she mentioned the death of her father, her experiences in law school, her love life. She marries Manolo Tavrez. They become in an underground movement against Trujillo. They explain the movement to Mara Teresa and reveal their code names. Minerva is Mariposa, or Butterfly. Mara Teresa joins them, largely because of her feelings for Leandro Guzmn, or Palomino, a man in the movement. She becomes Mariposa #2. She marries Leandro on February 14, 1958.

Patria becomes pregnant in 1959. She goes on a religious retreat. June 14, 1959, the retreat is bombed when Trujillos forces attack the rebels that are hiding in the mountains. A boy died as Patria watched. She vowed to help in the resistance. She names her movement with her husband the Fourteenth of June Movement.

Section 3: 1960

During January and March of 1960, Patria is living with her mom. One of Trujillos top officials, Alicinio Pea, visits them to keep tabs on them. Patrias illegal half-sister has a cousin that is a guard in the prison. Trujillo releases Nelson.

Mara Teresa writes more of her diary entries from March to August of 1960. She is in a cell with Minerva along with 22 other women. She describes her experiences there and all of the routines that she goes through. In one of her entries, she described how she must be electrically shocked in front of her husband. Her husband agreed to cooperate with Trujillos men. Between August and November 25, 1960, Minerva narrated it. She was trying to be her old courageous self. She finds out about an invasion that has been called off. Trujillo has only two problems remaining; the church and the Mirabal sisters. Manolo and Leandro are transferred to Puerto Plata prison. The sisters crossed the mountain roads and got their for visitations. Minerva, Mara Teresa, Patria, and Rufino de la Cruz traveled to the prison on November 25. They arrive safely, but the line was busy.

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