Essays on Antigone

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  • A Need for Wisdom in Antigone

  • Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely In Antigone


    Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely in Antigone Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely said Lord Acton generations ago In the Greek tragedy Antigone written by Sophocles there was a character named Kreon the antagonist who was the king of Thebes Thebes was an autocratic state where Kreon had absolute power Throughout the course of the play Kreon abused his privilege of absolute power and this caused him to suffer greatly even though he was warned by a few people of his bad deeds W

  • Antigone & Creons Tragic Flaws

  • Antigone and Creon's Relationship

  • Antigone and Ismene

  • Antigone and Oedipus


    Antigone and Oedipus are both very profound and thorough plays The events that occur in both plays are very tragic Both plays are alike in some ways and relate to eachother in one way or another But they also differ in the order of events and rerasons why the tragedy occurs In Oedipus he is told about his fate and destiny and what will become of him He is told that he will marry his mother and kill his father Oedipus panics by what he is told and flees to Thebes to be away from his mtoher and f

  • Antigone as a Result of Oedipus


    In the start of the tragedy Antigone Oedipus has died already Polyneices and Eteocles the two sons of Oedipus are at Thebes competing for the throne The two brothers kill each other making Creon the leader of Thebes With Creons newfound power he makes Polyneices stay on the battlefield to die Antigone Oedipus daughter is left with a difficult dilemma between state and family In the end she chooses family Antigone is truly a tragic hero because her arrogance leads to her eventual downfall At the

  • Antigone as a Tragic Hero


    In literature many writers use a tragic hero in a drama Sophocles uses Antigone as the tragic heroine of this Greek drama A tragic hero is a person who has too much of one quality in their personality Examples of a tragic heros qualities are extreme happiness or extreme sadness A surplus of one quality can manufacture an issue or problem in a situation I chose Antigone as the tragic hero of the play Antigone She is a brave respectful and recalcitrant woman These qualities make the story of Anti

  • Antigone as a Tragic Hero Over Creon


    The Greek play Antigone was written by Sophocles in 441 B C In the play the two main characters show traits of a tragic hero A tragic hero is a character who is honorable but has a certain flaw that forms a downfall I believe Antigone acts as more of a tragic hero than Creon due to her level of determination She is an extremely straightforward and good hearted person with a positive attitude I also believe that her behavior remains persistent throughout the play Antigone was a great person who

  • Antigone Compared to Brutus


    In Sophocles play Antigone and William Shakespeares play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar both Sophocles and William Shakespeare respectively show Antigone and Brutus the main characters in Antigone and The Tragedy of Julius Caesar their struggle with the consequences of their actions In both plays the main characters have to deal with the consequences from the act of choosing what they think is the right thing to do Although both Antigone and Brutus can compare through the way both their attempts

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