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Dresden and Tralfamadore as Two Types of Eden in Slaughterhouse V Essay


Jacob Arminius once said, A good conscience is paradise. Paradise is not always somewhere where one is physically well; it can also be a place where one is mentally well. In Slaughterhouse-Five, by Kurt Vonnegut, Tralfamadore and Dresden are two places of mental and physical utopia for the novels protagonist, Billy Pilgrim.

Vonnegut describes Tralfamadore as a planet existing in the past, present, and future. To exist in all times simultaneously is utopian. To know what happened, what is happening, and what will happen relieves the mind of angst and anticipation. Tralfamadores environment also increases Billys self-esteem. For the first time, someone is taking interest in Billys life, and he feels content explaining himself to both the Tralfamadorians and Montana Wildhack. The Tralfamadorians view of death also allows Billy to come to terms with the death and destruction he witnesses in Dresden. Their belief that beings are in constant existence and never truly die allows Billy to accept death in a broader sense. The all-knowing atmosphere of Tralfamadore provides Billy Pilgrim with the peace and clarity he needs. He often psychologically escapes to Tralfamadore while in captivity during the war. For Billy, Tralfamadore is a place of sense and much needed control, both of which greatly contribute to his mental stability.

Aside from experiencing a mental paradise, Billy Pilgrim also gains a sense of physical control and stability during his time in Dresden. After the city is tragically fire bombed, Billy finds a soothing regularity in the collapsed buildings, describing the aftermath as graceful and smooth. Billy views the destruction as a catastrophic, but effective physical portrayal of the war. Billy feels at ease in the destroyed city because he knows that the worst has come and gone, and everything will only get better. Billy finds solace and tranquility in the repercussions of the bombing, stating, It is peaceful in the ruins (249). He compares the debris to craters on the moon, and himself to a moon man. After witnessing the bombings, Billy feels he is witnessing a new beginning, comparable to the first moon landing. Similar to the rebuilding of Dresden, Billy has to start from the ground up to reconstruct his life.

Tralfamadore and Dresden, although not typical Edens, both provided a utopian setting for Billy Pilgrim. One can not be mentally well without being physically well, and vice versa. Visiting Tralfamadore and Dresden greatly improved Billys mental and physical stability, and helped him to maintain his sanity throughout the novel.

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