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Destruction Of A Future Society in Brave New World Essay


Aldous Huxley in his Utopian novel Brave New World written in 1932, presents a horrifying view of a possible future in which a society is procreated through scientific advancements. The society depicts a civilization controlled by scientific methods and based on a rigid caste system. The novel, set in London around 632 A.F., revolves around the Hatchery and Conditioning Center that is responsible for mass artificial reproduction. In Brave New World, Huxleys distortion of individuality, human relationships, and human values is much more effective in helping the reader visualize his use of literary realism found in the New Mexican Reservation. Through his use of distortion, Huxley illustrates elements of an advanced Utopian society that ultimately eliminates an individuals human values and identity.

Huxley effectively uses distortion in Brave New World in denying the inhabitants of this utopian society in engaging in any form of human relationships and emotional entanglement. For example, in the modern culture of the population marriage is forbidden and such promiscuity is against state rules. From a very young age the people are conditioned to hold no special relationships. With the idea of everyone belongs to everyone

The individuals of this fictitious society are conditioned to not have emotions, feelings, and individual ideas. The desperation of creating a perfect society leads a life of unoriginal identities.

Huxley also uses distortion as a way to make people see that in this modern world the importance of human values and dignity become insignificant. Everyone in this society is alike and no one person is unique. The people have been conditioned to accept death only as an aged heart and brain. they hold no concept to a significant other or soul mate. In order to have a perfect society, Huxley believes everyone should have the same thoughts and not be exposed to violence or independence. Furthermore, John goes to Park Lane Hospital to visit his dying mother in the Senility Ward.

Through the budding of embryos to create life, the development of perfect individuals has become an essential part of a morally dysfunctional, isolated, and identical way of life. Individuality becomes scarce in a society where everything is controlled. This perfect society prevents any type of emotion and independence even in literature.

In the eyes of science and technology, a society of this sort is considered perfect. The ideal citizen disregards the natural god given right of birth. In addition, this novel revolves around the moral and cultural decay of modern life. Furthermore, Brave New World is the advancement of science as it affects human individuals.

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