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Curley And Slim in Of Mice and Men Essay


Curley and Slim, each in their different ways, have authority. Discuss the differences between them in the way they exert it and behave generally.

In the novel the different ways that the characters act are strongly conveyed, this portrays their authority; in particular Curley and Slim. Steinbeck uses different techniques which emphasises the power through the physical description and what is said about them, despite there power in the ranch being parallel, their authority is different from each others.

Curley is first mentioned in chapter two as he interrupts a conversation between George, Lennie and the swamper. Steinbeck physically describes him as a thin young man with a brown face, brown eyes and also a head of tightly curled hair. His description includes him wearing a work glove on his left hand and he wore high heeled boots like the boss, therefore, straight away the reader can refer to Curley having authority. With the reaction of George being tense and motionless we can already understand the fact that him being the boss son means that he automatically thinks and knows he has power over the workers in the ranch. His intimidating behaviour as he lashed his body around in the bunk house shocks George and Lennie leading to the swamper describing him as being handy. He done quite a bit in the ring, almost as a warning for Lennie not to mess with his boss like character. Curley picks trouble with Lennie in chapter three, despite ending up flopping like a fish as he messed with Lennies strong character. His authority in the ranch is then strongly conveyed as Slim protects Lennie ensuring that Curley blames his broken wrist on machinery, he listens to Slim which proves his authority is smaller than what Slims is.

Steinbecks description of Slims character conveys his authority to be stronger that what Curleys is, as he enters the bunk house he gains gravity in his manner. As he speaks everybody they stop talking in order to listen to him and be respectful to him. When he first meets George and Lennie he is impressed by their relationship as he keeps a look out for them throughout the novel, the significance of people not travelling together makes it more surprising that George and Lennie travel together, he acknowledged them unlike Curley in the first chapter being abrupt. In comparison to Curleys pugnacious character Slim is more caring and concerned for how others are feeling. In chapter three the decision of killing Candys dog is finalised by Slim; what he says goes, and what he says is law in the ranch, Candy looked a long time at Slim to find some rehearsal. And Slim gave him none. At last Candy said softly and hopelessly Awright-take him. Candys behaviour towards slim shows his authority, he looks to him for the decision of killing his dog and as Slim gives him no reaction Candy automatically knows what is going to happen. Furthermore in chapter two Carlson stepped back to let Slim preceded him, meaning that he let him through due to him having more authority, he respects him greatly, and as Steinbeck says; he doesnt have to wear high heeled boots like the boss or Curley, he has earned his authority and importance on the ranch already. Steinbeck describes Curley as being the prince of the ranch and how he stood up with dignity. He has great pride in the novel which is conveyed through his powerful character.

Towards the end of the novel, Curley and Slim react in huge contrast to each other after the Death of Curleys wife. Immediately Curley wants to shoot Lennie, im gonna shoot the guts outta that big bastard myself Slim advises him to stay with his wife; he automatically takes action of the situation like he did when Lennie hurt Curley, like a leader or person of authority would. Slim stays calm about the situation and at the end of the book when Lennies is going to get shot, he reassures George which shows his caring character unlike Curley, Never you mind said Slim a guy got to show sometimes.

The novel conveys how Slims authority is achieved by himself, and how he doesnt need to wear high heeled boots like the boss to gain the respect that he has unlike Curley. They are both in parallel to each other in the novel as are George and Lennie, although their authority is hugely different as you read throughout the novel.

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