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Overview of The Crucible Essay


After the killing of innocent people accused of being witches, a play was written called The Crucible. The play takes place in a village where religion ruled and when a few girls are caught dancing in the woods, the minister that caught them, Mr. Parris, panics and has reason to believe there is devil spirits in their town. Abigail Williams, Mr. Parriss niece is one of the girls caught and changes life in the town when she accuses everyone but herself and friends of witchery. The changes the families and people endure in their town, not only change the town but also certain people are affected in the town tremendusy.

Reverend Hale is a respectable priest who performs exocisms and goes to towns to find witches. When he come to Salem he is sure of witches and that devils are present, but then things start to change. Too many people are being accused and he searchers all the houses and places in town for witchery. After his findings and he sees all the accused he start to think that there is something going on. In effect, Hale starts to believe that this is all a hoax and the girls are lying. He seems to be the only smart person in the court. After trying and trying to get the court to stop this fake prosecution he tells the court that if they dont stop it he will leave the court. The courts feelings are discombobulated, they are being told to stop something and just keep going on with it, how crazy. When Hale leaves the court, he is a changed person and is more aware of the actions of people. He is probably not going to be so quick to charge someone with witchery next time he goes to any town. The town is just ridiculous for charging all those people with a crime so quickly. Reverend Hale goes from being a well known minister impowered by his faith, to a nobody.

Elizabeth Proctor changed mentally and emotionally. In addition to the adualtary charges by the court Elizabeth lies to the court. Even thought she probably the most honest person in Salem, she lies. No one wants to be known as the wife or husband whos husband or wife commited adultery. Furthermore, she shows anger toward John as if she didnt love him. She was a mean and tempered wife until the trial took ahold of her and brought out her love for John. Without this trail her and John would have had a bumpy relationship. However, her love reaches its trueness when she allows John to rip up the paper and die next to her. Elizabeth relizes that her love for john means she has to accept him for him, and that he wasnt a witch. She definitely does the right thing and dies next to her husband. Her character goes from a wicked wife to a loving and respectful wife after the Salem trials.

Abagial Williams however, starts off on a bad note and changes to a deprived and lonely girl. Thus leading to when she was caught, instead of taking resonsiblity of her actions she blaims Tituba for the crime. This leads to Abagial accusing others of witchery. She is so rude and ignorant, she doesnt even see what it is doing to the town. Even if Abagial can see what she is doing, she could care less. In addition to all of this trouble, Abigial accuses John Proctors wife of witchery, thus enraging John Proctor. She just wants Elizabeth Proctor to die so she can have John, but John would never let that happen. Abagial is stubborn to the fact that her and John were just a one night stand and he wants to be with his wife. Afterwards, the death of the people finally soak in and she runs away to escape persecution. She was so angry and when she knew that John was going to be killed, she wished she could take it all back. She lost all her friends and her lover, it soaked in and tore her up inside. The only thing she could do was run away and never come back.

All of those changes that the people endured were not half of what these characters experienced, changing bitterness to extreme love, passion to resilience, or envy to sadness, these character, if changed would have resulted the book in a much different way. All the lies and heartbreaks proved neccasary to make this place a masterpiece.

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