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Contrasts Of Daisy And Gatsby Essay


Even though this is a fiction movie, but each character represents different personality in our lives. The movie brings out the negative side of a person when it comes to wealth and fame. The two characters that I would like to compare are Gastby and Daisy.

Jay Gastby was born into a farmers family. His father has always reminded him of being humble; however, later on Gastby worked for a millionaire and decided that becoming rich and famous is his goal for his life. He later on met Daisy . When he came back from the war, assuming that Daisy would wait for him, he was shocked to know that Daisy chose Tom instead. He did everything to try to win Daisy back, including making money by doing illegal things.

Daisy Buchana born rich still desires for more money and choosing a husband that she knows will fulfill her wishes. Although she is married to Tom Buchana, the effort Gastby puts in and the fact that he is getting rich as well, Daisys feeling for Gastby increases. The author characterizes Daisy as an innocent, happily, beautiful women, whereas at the end, she is nothing as she appears. She knew all the way along that her husband was having an affair, she choose to ignore it. Why dose she ignore it? Its because she knows that he is rich, and leaving him will do her no good.

These two characters goes after what everyone wants, being rich. Sadly they both also use the wrong way. Daisy chooses money over true love, and Gastby joins illegal organization to become the newly rich. Their personalities are both ruined because of money. What they are different is that, Gastby isnt a bad person deep inside, he is just like everyone trying achieve their goal ; but Daisys mind and heart are drowned in money and wealth. Gastby never realize that the Daisy in his mind isnt really the real Daisy. It was horrible when Gastby died and Daisy was not at his funeral, for she actually was the main reason why Gastby got shot by the pool. Just like the way she ran away from hitting Myrtle.

Money can and will ruined a person if you dont know how to control your greed. I would never become like Daisy, seeing money as the most important thing, even if you have to lie to yourself. Like mentioned before, it is a fictional movie, but these kinds of people do live in our lives.

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