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Comparison Of The Film Penelope And Book The Giver Essay


Comparison of the film Penelope and book The Giver


The movie Penelope was all about a young girl named Penelope who was searching for a man who can break the spell casted to her great grandfather but was generated on her. Her grandfather had impregnated a woman who was a servant in their mansion and was forced not to marry her because their life status doesnt match in any way. As revenge to the Wilhern family, the mother of the woman impregnated by her grandfather casted a spell on their family that the next girl born in their family line would have the aspect of a pig and so when Penelope was born, she was sent far from their mansion and was hidden by her parents. The only way to break the spell was to find a one of her own and learns to truly love her, which was interpreted by her parents to mean a man of noble birth. To break the spell, her mom had taught her everything a lady should be in order to find a noble man who would fall in love with her. She even got Penelope a date organizer.

Since Penelope came from a prestigious family and known from their riches, a lot of men were attracted to the data made by the date organizer for Penelope. Unfortunately, every man that had a look or even a glimpse of Penelopes face got frightened of her pig appearance. Some men just suddenly jumped off the window and others just ran out of the mansion screaming. This had made Penelope sad and felt like giving up but her mother told her and made her understand that she doesnt have to worry because her piggy appearance was not hers, it was her great grandfathers nose and ears.

A man named Vanderman, one of the man who took flight at first sight teamed up with Lemon(a tabloid reporter who spent his life stalking Wilhern family and had seen Penelope when she was a baby) to reveal and prove to everyone that they are not crazy and that Penelope is a monster, a human pig. The two got an idea to find a man with a noble blood who had the courage to face the monster. They had mistaken Johnny Martin, a gambler with a cold heart to be Max Campion. Johnny agreed to the offer of the two, to get a picture of Penelope and earn money.

Johnny came to the house of Penelope, along with other suitors. Penelope decided to reveal herself to everyone and as usual, everyone ran off the mansion. Johnny was the only one left in the room because he missed to see Penelope since he was fixing his camera behind the couch. After some time, they became friends and Penelope decided to reveal herself to Johnny. Johnny was shocked not because of seeing Penelopes appearance but because of the camera that had captured Penelopes face. Penelope was badly hurt and so she decided to go out on her own and explore the city. She escaped from their mansion and started a new journey with new people.

Johnny, inspired of Penelopes courage, decided to change his life and turn his back from gambling. On the other hand, Penelope had started to make new friends and she had totally revealed herself to the public removing the scarf covering her face. People around her were all fond of her and that made Penelope happy. She had learned how to love herself the way she is. Her difference did not made her apart from anyone especially from her own true self. In the end of the story, Penelope and Johnny met again in a Halloween party, Johnny asked for an apology because he did not had the capacity to break the spell but then, Penelope suddenly broke the spell not knowing that her acceptance to herself is the way to break the spell. The two lovers stayed together while Lemon decided not to interfere anymore with Penelopes personal life.

(The Giver)

The Giver is like the story of Penelope wherein Jonas, the main character, was also hidden from the real world he was stuck in, a community that was rigidly controlled. The community made by the Elders (the ruler/ controller in their community) was almost perfect as what they thought it was wherein no one had experienced suffering, hunger, and war. The members in the community were not given any chance to choose. Just like Penelope, she didnt have the chance to choose if she really wanted to find a guy or not.

Jonas is turning twelve and so he will now go through the Ceremony of Twelve wherein all the boys and girls in the community turning twelve will receive their assignments. Jonas assignment is the most important of all; he has the assignment of being The Receiver wherein he will receive memories from the Giver. His assignment is like the curse passed on to Penelope wherein because of his mission, he has to stay in his community no matter what while the Giver is the like the witch in the story Penelope. The curse and assignment are not only burdens but they act as keys to Jonas and Penelope to unlock themselves from being locked in what others had thought them and wanted them to be.

The Elders does not allow Jonas to turn his back from his profession nor to the community. He was always guarded by the elders because if he does, everything that is in place will be ruined and everyone in the community, including himself will be in great danger physically and emotionally. Just like Penelope, she is forbidden by her mother to go out from their mansion for her own safety.

Jonas, being a receiver had known so many things that no other member of the community except for the Giver. These emotions, events, things, and places had made him different from the others and had caused detachment of his friends to him. Just like the curse, Penelope was hidden from the outside world because of her feature and made other people scream.

After some weeks of having sessions with the Giver, Jonas had realized that there was so much more to enjoy besides of sameness; the colors, snow, music and love. He decided to leave the community and explore whats beyond the community he lives in. He took the courage to break the rules and go for his goal, to have the chance to choose. Jonas had won the battle, he had succeeded. He had felt the heat of the sun, and the cold ice of winter. Just like Penelope, because of her being hurt of what did Johnny she thought he did she took the courage to go out into the real world on her own to find her destiny. The pain she had felt, drive her in doing things that can break the rules and she succeeded.

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