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Comparative: The Black Cat and The Tell-Tale Heart Essay


Irony, Ironic, Ironical, Ironically

Some famose writers are dealing with the ironic or unusual events in their stories because people want to figure the irony out by themselves and what it means. It attracts peoples all minds and thoughts. Moreover, if you search for the famous quotes, you can easily find out that most of the quotes are the ironic quotes. This proves why the writers of The Black Cat and The Tell Tale Heart both put the fantastic and unusual situations in both of their stories. In addition, the use of the uncommon events which is the horror and panic in their works are sophisticated and well-written, albeit a big challenge.

First of all, there have some similarities between both of the stories called The Black Cat and The Tell Tale Heart. Both stories have characters with one bad eye. The narrators names are both unknown and the narrator is the murderer. The narrator loved the old mand and loved the black cat, however, their bad eye bothered him, the old mans for the way it looked, and narrators cat, Plutos for it reminded him of the bad deed he had committed. As you know, it is very seldom that the narrator dont have the name but both written in first person point of view.

Secondly, by using the unusual characters, all the readers are more focusing on the words by words and put themselves into the narrator and felt like they are the part of the character in the story. Basically, unusual events are not common in the short stories because it is too difficult to write in just about four or five pages total. Despite both are short stories, the authors wrote the events and plots simply and easy to understand as a reader. Moreover, the possibility to success will be low but if the book is dealing with the uncommon or fantastic events like Twilight, Harry Potters, and The Chronicles of Narnia, etc. will thrive after it getting popular and popular.

In conclusion, The Black Cat and The Tell Tale Heart both are known as the gerne of horror and panic which is uncommon. With the advent of the unusual events, it gathers peoples mind first and when they finish to read it, then they have the stories on their brains for one or less days. All this, as well as fantastic and unusual events have the great effects on the readers because they read the book simultaneously with an imagery in their brain. If you want to be a well-known writer, write a book with the uncommon events which aimed at readers.

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