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Comparative Commentary on White Noise and My Daily Dives in the Dumpster Essay


Discuss the similarities and differences between the texts and their theme(s). Include comments on the ways the authors use of elements such as structure, tone, images, and other stylistic devices to communicate their purposes.

The two texts which are given for comparison includes a passage from the novel White Noise (1984), written by Don DeLillo and a passage My daily dives in the Dumpster taken from the essay collection Travels with Lizbeth: Three Years on the Road and on the Streets (1993). Text A has been written in first person and it mainly focuses on a inquisitive person whom is examining the trash in a household. Text B on the other hand, has also been written in first person but mainly focuses on the personal adventures of a dumpster diver. Both texts are very similar in theme, however one can see differences between them with regards to the structure, tone, imagery, and diction.

One of the differing elements of Text A and Text B is the structure displayed. In Text A, the reader is quickly engaged in the passage, as it presents them with an individual who is [peering] into the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. Assuming that the narrator of this passage is a male, we find out that he moves onto examining the trash. All of Text A is a flashback of him describing his experience of looking through the trash, this is apparent through the past tense words used, such as I came. Because it has been written in flashback this means that he is looking back at an experience, which is of great significance for him. Text B also manages to get the reader engaged quickly, through the use of interaction with the reader. This is seen when Eighner addresses the reader with the remark Perhaps everyone who has a kitchen and a regular supply of groceries has In comparison to Text A, Text B gives a short introduction to inform the reader about dumpster diving, thus making it easier for the reader to understand the rest of the passage. From the origin information of the text, one can see that this is perhaps the beginning of an essay named My Daily Dives in the Dumpster. The scavenger who dumpster dives, carefully and explicitly explains the art of dumpster diving, by giving personal experiences. The passage ends with a description of the various things that the scavenger has found in the dumpsters, which gives a personal reflection to the entire topic. Where Text A is a detailed description of one incident of garbage rummaging, Text B educates and informs the reader about the positive and negative aspects of dumpster diving.

The tone of Text A is very charged and suspenseful, which is seen through the description of the garbage. Through this charged tone Don DeLillo manages to make a rather uninteresting and bland situation interesting for the reader. The tone in this passage is revealed through DeLillos language, and choice of words. The tone is enhanced with the use of short directive sentences, which increase the suspense of the story. These short sentences like a cold dry sizzle increases the pace of the story and the reader is quickly pulled or attracted to the story. Through the use of rhetorical questions DeLillo manages to incorporate the reader into the story by encouraging them to reflect upon what the implied answer to the question could be. These rhetorical questions can be seen from line 10-15. The tone is Text B is much more personal and unique. As it is a personal essay this tone is very important with regards to the topic and essence of the story. Through the use of Is in the essay Eighner is able to give a personal view on the dumpster diving. This personal use of Is also makes the essay or passage more realistic and believable.

The imagery apparent in Text A is seen through the very descriptive language. Sentences such as the compressed bulk sat there like an ironic modern sculpture, massive, squat, mocking gives the reader a clear picture of how the trash looks like. Through the use of verbs and adjectives DeLillo gives the reader a clear understanding of the context. The visible imagery in Text B is much more indefinite and unclear compared to what is used in Text A. Text Bs only use of adjectives is very dim and therefore not as effective as in Text A. One can see a vague use of imagery in they is free of visible containments and still dry and crisp. However in Text B the use of imagery is not as important as in Text A because of the origin of the story. Text B mainly focuses on the personal adventures of dumpster diving, and it gives various tips on it.

Both these texts evolve around the central theme of curiosity and the interest of garbage. This theme is apparent through the personal story told by each of the narrators. However even though both texts had a common theme, they are still notably different with regards to their structure, tone, imagery and language. Where Text As purpose was to tell a descriptive story of a households trash, Text Bs was to inform the reader about the career and experience of dumpster diving.

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