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Passage Analysis: Perelandra Essay


This extract is taken from C.S Lewiss novel Perelandra highlights ones internal struggle between their sanity and possible madness. Through the usage of narration and language (1st person) as well as his comforting and easing diction, Lewis creates a vast bond between his readers and the character, furthering the vast understanding of the characters situation during, what can be seen, his rampage. Lewiss explicit imagery furthers the readers perception of the character and his fears of what, we never actually find out to be.

As seen in the first paragraph of his work, Lewis begins At last I came to the crossroads by the little Wesleyan chapel where I had to turn to the left under the beech trees directly providing a setting for the extract, through the use of imagery and precise directions of this setting, Lewis allows us to associate and be drawn into this highlighted scene literally from the first line. Lewis then goes on to explain the protagonists friend (A guess however not 100% proved due to the limited detailed text provided), Ransom, furthering the development of the setting. It should be highlighted that his choice of diction in regards to the narrators friends name, Ransom, leaves one with a bucketful of interpretations. The name could symbolise who this person may be, someone in which the narrator must return a favour too and may bear consequences if such is not completed. It could be a friends nickname or last name from a childhood or college. The list of possibilities is endless, yet with this specific extract, and the emphasised theme or madness, it leave one to think that this friend may in fact not be a friend. In continuation to the analysis of the extract, Lewis ends his second line with a directed question to what appears to be us readers-or was it past blackout time, this is a technique Lewis uses throughout the extract to allow a connection to be made between the reader and this narrator. With this, its almost as though he is allowing us readers in for a free show of his instant thoughts and feelings. The clich that goes with this is a good writer must make a connection with its readers, however as seen through Lewis extract, this is far from a clich as it is close to the truth. To further the insurance of this achieved relationship between reader and Lewiss protagonist, he allows the narrator to address the scene in first person My watch has stopped, and I didnt know. Its with this that we, as readers feel comfortable with the character, as it feels almost like he is talking directly at/to us, telling us a story even. This is again emphasised it wasnt the dark I was afraid of, you understand, his direct converse with his readers. In regards to the 5th and 6th lines, Lewis through personification, associates objects with facial expressions We have all know times when inanimate objects seemed to have almost a facial expression with this he goes on to tell of how he dislikes a specific road in which he walking down, linking it to a facial expression he mat dislike. It is then in line 7 that Lewis begins to depict the theme of such an extract, the internal struggle of the character facing possible madness. Even referring to his mind as a separate contributor to the selected section its not true, said my mind confirming the characters internal struggle. The next lines in their lead up to ending the first paragaph, question the ideas behind madness making one contemplate along with the character-what is in fact insanity? A strong use of diction and the character convincing tone But that did not make it any better. To think that the specture you see is an illusion does not rob him of his terrors: it simply adds the further terror of madness itself, Its ironic as the character seems almost so lost in his waffling that he was in fact made himself, but if one were to look close at what he is saying, it makes logic sense, in fact what he says is rather intellectual and true. This allows contrast to the extract, as this young man dwelling on the idea of insanity, seems to fit the description so well, but at the same time, couldnt be more further from being mad.

The second paragraph, relies on a heavy usage of imagery to expose its ideas. This paragraph furthermore incorporates the character of Ransome, as the protagonists ponders as to why his friend is not awaiting him. The use of the term childish is valuable as it further reveals that this individual cant be mad, as he himself knows his thoughts are of childish behaviour A childish, whining throught arose on my mind: why was he not out at the gate to welcome me?. Further revealed on line 14 An even more childish dream followed.. Its with the description after such a statement as well as Lewiss imagery, that us readers can capture the idea behind Lewis and therefore picture in our minds the possible scene in which the protagonists describes. Its with this idea of Ransom jumping on the narrators back like young boys, and a repetition of the diction child(ish) that one may associate Ransome with a childhood friend of the characters. However the last line contrasts such an idea Perhaps I should see a figure that looked lie Ransom standing with his cack to me and when I spoke to it, it would turn round and show a face that was not human at all this is now when insanity of the narrator kicks in. After depicting, what appears to could have been a happy childhood memory; turns into something near impossible to occur. Why would the character say such a thing about Ransome? Which makes us readers then rethink the theme of insanity, maybe this character is in-fact delusional and these strange ideas or hints of such.

The next paragraph, complimenting the second paragraph, suggests a reason as to why the individual feels the unusual way in which he does, however refuses to fully reveal what this reason is At all events, I cant really describe how I reached the front door of the cottage. This anxiety that the character projects leaves us lost in further doubt as to weather or not Ransom is a friend, or simply just a quick stop to a series of possible events, acting as a symbol of foreshadowing events. His effective use of diction loathing and dismay as well as personification as harmless sprat if the hedge touched my face as well as catchy placements of words, drumming on the door that Lewis continues to engage the reader and create such an obscure tone.

The last paragraph, acts, as not only the conclusion to the scene but also adds a large amount of climax to the extract. As we see, the character is overcoming his insanity and fears, knocking at Ransoms door, only for us readers along with the character, that Ransom is not there Sorry. Had to go up to Cambridge Referring back to 28th line, there was no reply-not a sound except the echo of the sounds I had been making myself. Highlights the absurdity of the character, indicating that he himself has brought on all this build up of tension found in this extract and all this fear. Lewis again, makes use of imagery I discovered how very shaky my hands had become to help build the tension and visual of this particular highlighted text. The letter that the character then reads, goes on to say Eatables in larder and bed made up in your usual room, this line is valuable to the extract as it further explains Ransoms and the protagonists relationship. Through the diction usual bed, we get an indication that the two are friends or this may even be the protagonists old house. However, the characters physical response to reading this, then again, disagrees with this And immediately the impulse to retreat. Suggestion that, maybe the character has something he is fearful of Ransom finding out, or some news he is fearful of telling Ransom. The chose of diction demonic violence is again, highly unusual, again sparking the idea that this individual is in fact driven by an obscure form of insanity. Lewis uses the last 4 lines of this extract; end this highlighted scene of the novel fairly nicely. Leaving readers, with the characters internal struggle overcoming him, possibly due to some reluctance to let Ransom down. Which resulted in him entering the ill described house I found myself inside and let it slam behind me..

In conclusion, Lewis uses a variety of obscure diction and phrases to emphasis the internal struggles and insanity caused by the narrator in this selected extract from the novel Perelandra. A development of the protagonists insanity, through the usage of imagery, to depict not only the realistic setting, but also the setting in the mind of the protagonist. Lewis builds tension throughout the extract, allowing this piece to drawn the readers attention and again to show pure insanity and craze of the protagonists mind. It is through, Lewiss first person narrative and continuous use of questions, that allows the reader to remain intrigued in what is going on, also creating that relationship between readers and characters. In conclusion, this piece of extract, highlights the possibly insanity of a young individual, as we journey with him, through his depicted internal struggle.

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