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Brave New World's Allusions to Shakespeare Essay


In his writing, he reflects how society today is in between Shakespeare's time and the ""Brave New World"." He shows that society is moving towards the ""Brave New World"" and if readers dislike the society he portrays, then they had better do something to change it by looking at the cause of the problem

The allusions to Shakespeare create a timeline of contrast to support the idea of the changing world. Not only do the allusions help show what the characters believe about their society and society today, but the allusions enhance the overall meaning of the work which forces readers to carefully examine their lives and the lives of people in the future.

There are many other ideas presented by Huxley that show a similarity between American society and that of the World State. One such idea was that of cloning. At the time this novel was written the concept of cloning seemed far-fetched, but with current scientific practices coning has become a reality.

The adult John comes to civilized society as an experiment by Marx and Mond to see how a "savage" would adapt to civilization. Frankly, he does not adapt very well. He is appalled by the lifestyle and ideas of civilized people, and gets himself into a lot of trouble by denouncing civilization. He loves Lenina very much, but gets very upset at her when she wants to have sex with him. He physically attacks her, and from that point on does not want to have anything to do with her. When his mother dies, he interferes with the "death conditioning" of children by being sad. Finally, his frustrations with the civilized world become too much for him and he decides to take action. He tries to be a sort of a Messiah to a group of Deltas, trying to free them from the effect of soma. He tells them only the truth, but it is not the truth that the Deltas have been conditioned to believe, so to them it is a violent lie and they begin to cause a riot. When the riot is subdued, John is apprehended and taken to have a talk with Mustapha Mond.

This talk with Mustapha Mond is very enlightening for John, and it creates his connection with the old society. Mond tells John many things about civilized society and about old society. Here John learns that truth and beauty were the focus in old society and civilized society is focused on happiness and comfort.

Against the wishes of Mond, who wanted to continue with his experiment, John decides to leave civilized society. He cannot go back to savage society, and certainly not to old society, so he decides to create a fourth society of his own. He has visions of his own perfect society, his own Utopia: alone, disciplined, independent. He creates this life for himself and his plans go well for a while. He attacks reporters to remain alone; he tortures himself to remain disciplined; and he plants a garden and makes a bow and arrow to remain independent.

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