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Lead Up to Suicide in Death Of A Salesman Essay


Arthur Miller's, "Death of a Salesman," shows the development and structure that leads up to the suicide of a tragic hero, Willy Loman. The author describes how an American dreamer can lose his self-worth by many negative situations that occur throughout his life. The structure and complications are essential because it describes how a man can lose his way when depression takes over. "The man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want." (Miller, Act 1)

The first complication occurs in Act I when the reader acknowledges that Willy put his whole life into his sons, Biff and Happy, and they turned their backs on him. Willy always believed that biff would be this great, successful businessman and it turned out that Biff is still searching to find himself, which disappoints Willy in the worst way. The conflicts between Willy and Biff are rooted very deep. It all started when Biff was younger and he had failed his math class. He traveled to Boston to visit Willy, who was on a business trip. He told Willy that he had let him down and comes to find out that Willy is with another woman. Biff leaves and never takes that math class over. Willy felt guilty about this and believes that deep inside that he is responsible for Biffs choices in life and his failure to be successful. This conflict makes Willy weak and tremendously guilty, which stays with him as a reminder.

The second complication that destroys Willy is his aging. By getting older he can't do the things he used to do. His aging affects his work because he is not the salesman he once was. He is not making enough money to support his wife, Linda, and himself. Being 60, Willy is getting too old for the traveling he does for his work. Willy asks his boss, Howard, for local job and Howard fires him. Willy is really worn out and Howard knows this. This situation in end destroys Willy's pride and he could never ask his sons for money. "A small man can be just as exhausted as a great man." (Miller, Act 1)

The last complication at the end of Act II is the conflict between Willy and Biff. Biff finally wants to get everything straight and clear with his father. Biff shows Willy the rubber tube that Willy wants to kill himself with. An argument erupts from this and Biff tries to explain that he was never what Willy wanted him to be. "Biff: Pop! I'm a dime a dozen, and so are you! Willie: I am not a dime a dozen! I am Willy Loman, and you are Biff Loman!"(Miller, Act2) Willy realizes that Biff loves him, even if he isn't the best person. This last situation has totally broken Willy down to a very tired man and he believes that his life is totally finished.

The play concludes in a tragic end when Willy leaves the house and crashes his car to end his life. With all the failing attempts, this time it had been successful. The structures of complications lead to the destruction of an American dreamer and the dreams of his sons. Willy wanted a dream that seemed materialistic and unimportant compared to the cost of his own life. It's the only dream you can have - to come out number-one man. He fought it out here, and this is where I'm gonna win it for him."(Miller, Act 2)

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