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Leadership in Lord Of The Flies Essay


In a group, there will be the ones that come out with better characteristics as a leader than the others. The strongest among the others has the greater influence on the group and tends to have the others follow him or her. All the same, every now and then the strongest person will not work out to be the best choice. William Goldings novel, Lord of the Flies, Ralph clearly not stronger than a few of the others, though he shows a better understanding of the people and the common good which ultimately gives Ralph much better leadership characteristics over Jack.

Ralph shows many great human qualities as leader of the tribe by working in favor of the society and not just himself. He realizes the island needs to be balanced with rules and order to stay civilized rather than becoming a bunch of savages. The conch used as a symbol of power helps create the simple form of government that is coming together because of Ralph. He realizes how important equality between the boys is and must be treated accordingly to that concept. This makes Ralph a better leader as he knows and greatly understands that he is not above or a better person then the other boys. Ralph constantly is focused on getting off the island as soon as possible for the better of the boys and himself. No matter what he directs and stresss many times on keeping the fire burning as a distress signal. Ralphs type of government and rules provide a sense peace and direction to the society island meanwhile Jacks leadership creates destruction and chaos.

Jacks rule and so called order sets society to become Ralphs greatest fear, uncivilized savages. Order is kept by Ralph through the daily meetings called by the Ralph using the conch. The conch is held by the speaker and no one else can speak during this time which puts a sense of order in the boys heads. Ralph says Ill give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when hes speaking. (William Golding 36) He insists on building shelters to keep the boys safely out of the weather because he knows they are afraid. Yet Jack demonstrates his failure once again not realizing the boys need stability, security and that sense of direction in their society. Ralph understands that by building the shelters it gives the boys especially the littleuns more of a secure feeling. This ultimately shows his intelligence of people, concluding that he is a better chief then Jack.

Ralph knows how to treat people and highly values each of the boys equally and demonstrates this many times throughout the story. Meanwhile jack considers himself higher than the boys, but Ralph holds everyone to the same value including himself. Piggy tends to be the outcast of the boys yet Ralph always defends him which again demonstrates his leadership qualities. Piggy being the weakest tends to get picked on and made fun of. When Jack whacks Piggy and smashes his glasses, Ralph says its A dirty trick. (William Golding 78) Ralph sees that Piggy is unable to defend himself and shows his understanding and compassion by sticking up for Piggy. While Jack shows little care for people as he expresses this by hitting Piggy. The type of leadership Ralph brings is a form of democracy and gives each boy including the littleuns the same rights to bring forth equality between there society. When goes hunting and gets meat, he purposely forgets about Piggy and gives everyone else meat. When Piggy asks for some, Jack says, You didnt hunt. (William Golding 80) Ralph and many of the littleuns did not hunt, yet only this is directed at Piggy. A good leader takes care of everyone and does exclude anyone yet Jack fails become a good leader once again. While Ralph clearly understands this concluding to he is the better chief.

Ralph constantly is doing what is for the better of the group; mainly focusing on getting the whole group rescued which shows his leadership skills. Even though the boys do not focus on being rescued, he instructs the boys to make a fire and keep it burning as a signal to anyone or anything out in the ocean to save them. The fire is the most important thing on the island. How can we ever be rescued except by luck, if we dont keep the fire going? (William Golding 88) Later when the boys join Jacks tribe jack only focuses on hunting, and short term needs. Ralph wants to get rescued not only for the benefit for him, but for the benefit of the group. Although the choices of planning for the future may not be popular, a better leader will prepare for the future for the better of his or her people. Piggy says Which is better, to be a pack of painted niggers like you are, or to be sensible like Ralph is? (William Golding 199) He explains what happened to society on the island because they failed to follow Ralph and now theyve turned into savages. Ralphs main objective is to get the whole group off the island safe, which wouldve been the smarter choice for the boys to follow. Yet the boys do not follow Ralph but instead turn towards Jacks tribe strictly in favor of games and hunting. The novel may not have ended as tragically if they just have listened to Ralph in the first place.

Ralph has a greater understanding of the group and what is best for them, which makes him a much better leader then Jack. Ralph knows the boys need order and direction in order to improve society on the island which is enforced by his type of democratic government. Jack turned a bunch of scared boys into a barbaric and savage group of boys. He treated them lower then himself and did not work for the better of the boys but only did was would be too his benefit, simply he treated them like slaves. Ralph a compassionate and patient leader demonstrates rule very effectively. Ralphs plans to get off the island are number one on his list; this shows his experience and ability to make good decisions. Even though a good leader may not be as exciting as the poor one, but choosing the leader that will meet the needs of the people is crucial. A great leaders courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position. (John Maxwell)

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