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Prejudice in Of Mice And Men Essay


What is prejudice? Prejudice is an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge thought or reason. It has become well- known throughout the world. Prejudice can be experienced in many different forms. In the novel Of Mice and Men, the theme prejudice is depicted throughout the story. The story takes place during the Great Depression Era, which opened the door for many different forms of prejudices. Each character experienced prejudice in different manners. Crook, Lennie, and Curleys wife were discriminated against because of race, disabilities, and sexism.

The character Crook was discriminated against because of race and his physical disability. Crook worked as a stable buck during this particular era. He was an African American, who was normally referred to as nigger. He also had a disability which caused him to have a crook in his back, in which he was named for. The story tells us, that Crook received his disability from being kicked in the back by a horse. Crook was a very intelligent person with a positive attitude. For example, whenever the boss would get mad he would treat Crook badly and constantly refer to him as a nigger, but Crook never let it got to him. He always read and learned as much as he could.

Crook always seemed to be the center of attention because of his race. For example, during the Christmas festivities Crook was dragged into a fighting match with one of the ranch men named Skinner. Although, he was ridiculed for his race and disability, he fought the battle with courage and won. Many believed Skinner wouldve won the fight if he couldve used his feet, but he unable to use them because of Crooks disability. Crook was invited to the festivities to be humiliated, but the tables were turned.

The second character discriminated against in the novel Of Mice and Men was Lennie. Lennie was a man of large size and enormous strength with limited disabilities, but because of Lennies limited disabilities he had a caretaker named George. Lennies mental disorder handicapped him to the point where he wasnt able to distinguish the difference between what was right and wrong. For example, he was falsely accused of sexually assaulting a female in Weed, California; therefore they were forced to leave the city. In reality, Lennie was only trying to comfort her, but because of societys prejudice against his size and disability, he was accused of rape. They then moved to the ranch where more problems arose. Lennie was constantly picked on by Curly because of his size. Curly picked a fight with Lennie which ended in Curly being hospitalized.

The third character in the novel Of Men and Mice who were discriminated against was Curleys wife. Curleys wife was a very attractive and flirtatious white woman living amongst a ranch full of men. She was often referred to as a tramp because of her sexuality and flirting. She dressed in fancy, feathered red shoes; which represented the temptation of female sexuality in a male-dominated world. She is depicted not as a villain, but rather as a victim. Like the ranch-hands, she became desperately lonely and had broken dreams of a better life. When she confronted Lennie, Candy, and Crooks in the stable, she admitted to feeling a kind of shameless dissatisfied with her life. In her moment of greatest vulnerability, Curleys wife sought out even greater weaknesses in others, preying upon Lennies mental handicap, Candys debilitating age and the color of Crooks skin in order to steel herself against harm.

In conclusion, the novel is a cross-section of society at the time reflecting social prejudices and economical problems. During this particular time blacks in America had no rights. Society viewed them as niggers. Because of this prejudice many of them, like Crooks "retired into the terrible protective self-respect of the negro". Lennie is a victim of social prejudice in the fact that, being retarded, he couldnt socially interact without the natural ease of George. Women also had very few rights, like Curleys wife had to be dependent on Curleys dad and him for shelter. There are many different levels of prejudice exhibited in Of Mice and Men. Through these prejudices the characters such as Crooks, Lennie, and Curley's wife became intensely lonely, but they were hopelessly put in powerless positions. These prejudices can still be seen in the world today.

George is sure that if the boss realizes Lennie is mentally disabled, theyll be discriminated against and not hired. To George, Lennies mental disability is something that isnt really that important as long as he plays it down to others, it shouldnt hinder them too much.

George patted a wrinkle out of his bed, and sat down. "[The boss gave] the stable buck hell?" he asked.

"Sure. Ya see the stable bucks a nigger."

"Nigger, huh?"

"Yeah. Nice fella too. Got a crooked back where a horse kicked him. The boss gives him hell when hes mad. But the stable buck dont give a damn about that. He reads a lot. Got books in his room." (2.15-17

This is an interesting insight into how race is treated on the ranch. The old man showing George and Lennie around takes it for granted that the stable buck should be treated badly because hes black, but the old man is also full of compliments for the man. Hes a class apart because hes black, but he also reads, which seems to distinguish him in a positive sense from his fellow ranchers. It seems to suggest that, at least on the ranch, the stable bucks race is a separate issue (though still a big one) from his actual character.

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