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Commentary on Othello Essay


Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. In the beginning of the play Othello was a self-assured and noble man who was passionately in love with his wife Desdemona. Nevertheless, as the play continues Othello's demeanor changes as he is manipulated by Iago into believing that Desdemona is disloyal. This is then followed by changes in Othello's temperament into becoming a jealous wreck and his actions into cruel and somewhat hell-like. I will now explain the incidents that occurred to make Othello become extreme

In the opening of the play Othello appears very rational and calm. For instance when Brabantio confronts him and approaches him aggressively he remains respectful. Not only does he remain respectful but here-tells his story of how he came to marry Desdemona. Another example is when he asks the Duke to allow Desdemona to come with him to the Cyprus; those actions showed how he put his wifes needs before his own. One example is when Othello returns from his battle against the Turks, the two embrace each other and Othello then professes his undying love for Desdemona and compares it to the heavens. In stating that his love is 'Olympus-high' Othello implies that his love for Desdemona is immense and never-ending. From this, it is apparent that Othello is extremely loving of his wife and that his relationship with her is a very strong and positive one.

As the lay proceeds his behavior changes and becomes cruel. The change of Othello's personality is clear. At first he compares he marriage to heavenly manner and depicts his marriage as stable. Once Iago assures Othello different he is no longer confident with his marriage. Othello now speaks of his wife as a 'haggard' to imply his uncertainties of her infidelity. It is evident that he now does not think highly of her. He now believes Iago's stories of Desdemona's infidelity although he has no proof. He no longer respects his wife that is proven when he calls her a whore.

As a result of Iago, Othello vows to get revenge against Desdemona and Cassio. Overcome with rage and jealously, Othello points toward the death of his wife. He now considers her as trash, he wishes for her to rot and be damned. He also speaks of his 'heart turned to stone' and wanting to 'chop her into messes' because of her unfaithfulness. His heartless manner toward Desdemona is greatly emphasized when he slaps for thinking she is being dishonest with him. Another example that he no longer cares for his wife is when he refers to her as whore and not her name. When speaking to her, Othello is again emotionless to her while calling her of liar and a whore to her face. Othello no longer regards Desdemona as his wife, but as an unfaithful creature. This is plain to see as he continues to demand her to pray for forgiveness and mention her going to hell as he murders her.

When introduced to Othello and Desdemona they are happy and ideal. Othello trusts Desdemona with everything, but throughout the play he loses confidence in her because he listens to Iago's suggestions about her. He starts to disrespect Desdemona in front of other people which at a point in time he would have never done. He name calls and hits her; through these actions you see him transform to a charming man to a gullible heartless being. It the actions of Iago throughout the play that transform Othello. Othello's gullibility causes him to be jealous. He let's his jealousy take over, he looses control of himself and acts on his jealous

emotions, he let's his jealousy clutter his mind and good judgment.

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