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Commentary on Othello Essay


There are certain things in peoples life that can trigger different behaviors. We all have that part of us that can be shameful if we give into it; it is call temptation. It is something that can be controlled if we want it to, but most time in our lifes we make people provoke us to the extent that we become hostile. One should not allow another person control their mind but they should have total control of their own mind. By allowing others to control our mind, it can become detrimental and destroy ones life. According to the book Othello by William Shakespeare, they assumed that the relationship between Othello and Iago is one of restrain/ repressed homosexuality. It was assumed that Iago wanted the place of Desdemona while felling betrayed by Cassio. To my understanding of Othello some of these suggestion does not explain Iagos apparently and senseless but obsessive hostility.

In the novel Othello, there was an African man by the name of Othello who went to Italy to be in charge of the army because he was a great soldier. He secretly married a woman by the name of Desdemona, who is the daughter of a Venetian senator by the name of Brabantio. Othellos friend by the name of Iago who he trusted, however Iago was next for the lueitant position but, Othello promoted Michael Cassio instead. Michael Cassio was highly educated, but did not have the experience for the position as Iago did. Iago became very angry and revengeful therefore, he decided to make Othello pay the price of suffering. Iago was a smart man and he used his head wisely to get back at Othello. Iago used Rodriguez who was in love with Desdemona, and Cassio the lieutenant who got his (Iago) position to lower Othello to believe that his wife was having an affair. Iago knew that using Othellos wife would weaken him (Othello) because of the reputation that he carries around with him. In the very end the secret of Iagos plans didnt go as he thought it would because his wife Emalia who was friends of Desdemona revealed Iagos secret of the handkerchief. However, Othello had already killed his wife Desdemona, Cassio killed Rodriguez, Iago killing his wife Emalia for her betrayal, and Othello stabbed Iago then Othello killed himself. Iago was taken to stand the consequences for his behavior and Cassio got Othellos position.

Othello and Iago seemed to have had a close relationship before the betrayal of Iago, it was a very trusting relationship on Othellos part, but Iago used the trust for revenge because he was betrayed. Critic thinks that their relationship were somewhat a homosexual one, however I do not believe it was. Reading the book we know that Iago disrespect women, He stated that you women are the same. Youre pretty as pictures when youre out in public.(Pg72) Iago thinks that women used men to get what they want. However this does not give evident that he and Othello had a homosexual relationship, which causes his obsessive hostility. In the beginning of the play Iago were very angry about the position Othello didnt give him, and because of that he hated Othello. Iago stated I know my own worth well enough to know that I deserve that position. But he (Othello) wants to have thing his own way, so he sidesteps the issue with a lot of military talk and refuse their request (Venices important noble men (Pg3). If Othello has this sort of relationship with Iago, he wasnt going to trust leaving his wife with Iago, or letting him know what was going on between him (Othello) and Desdemona love life. Othello took and Iago friendship mutual and trustworthy, however he was nave, and he couldnt read between the lines, and Iago hostility was due to power, not a homosexual relationship.

It is infer that Iago wanted to take the place of Desdemona, as I stated before in the above paragraph, Iago main agenda is getting the position that he needs. He wasnt interested in Desdemona place and because he knows the way human mind work he used whoever he can to get what he wanted. If he wanted to take Desdemonas place, why would he set up Othello to be the one to kill her? He would either kill her himself of make someone else kill her. Iago knew that Othello truly loved Desdemona and that was the weakness to destroy him. Iago was a smart man, he play on people weakness after getting to know them. Iago did not believe that Othello deserve the position he had, because he wasnt one of them. Iago didnt only want the lieutenant position that Cassio had, he wanted Othellos position. Desdemona place wasnt an interest of Iago, he wanted authority, superiority over the army or else he would have made plan differently to keep Othello safe. He didnt want to be with Othello for the mare fact that he was different from them.

Iagos obsessive hostility could be from the betrayal of Cassio as critics presume, however it was not the main reason. Yes, Cassio got Iagos position but he had his eye on a greater prize. Cassio didnt just take the position, it was given to him and because Iago felt that Cassion and Desdemona had a good relationship his intention was to used Cassio to get back at Othello. Betrayal is very dangerous, it is hurtful and some gets so upset that it led to death. Few years ago I was betrayed be a close friend of mines, well I took her for my best friend, and unfortunately she wasnt who I thought she was. She was bringing new from me to another friend that caused problem; I was hurt but not to hurt her. Although Iago used cassio in the play, his focus was to destroy Othello for what he had done to him. Iago stated, Cassios a handsome man. Lets see, how can I get his position and used him to hurt Othello at the same time? After a while Ill start telling Othello that Cassio is too intimate with Desdemona.(pg 59) Iagos hostility grew when he hear that Othello and Casio sleep with his wife Emily. Whether its true or false Iago hostility grew for both Othello and Cassio. Therefore to some extent Iago felt betray by Cassio.

The way some critic presumes Othello play to be wasnt what I got out of it. Iago was a mischievous man who was very knowledgeable about humans life. Therefore he used his knowledge to his advantage. Othello, was a great man but was influence by Iago, Iago aim wasnt to get Desdemona, or to be with Othello by taking Desdemonas place. He probable had some feeling for Desdemona because she was beautiful, but it wasnt a feeling that can get him to loss focus of his plan. He wanted to destroy who hurt him and he used innocent people to do his dirty job. He was a coward in my eyes because he didnt have the guts to face Othello to ask him, why he hired Cassio over him? Because of his obsessive, evil behavior he destroyed the lives of others. Although betrayal can change the way someone thinks, controlling ourselves can save us from destruction. We have to be careful of who our friends are because Othello trusted Iago as a friend he wasnt expecting him to turn on him.

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