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Commentary on Othello Essay


Shakespeare legitimizes domestic violence with the use of male dominance in society. The negative stereotyping of women in Othello affects the actions of the male characters by the way they treat their wifes. Due to the superior power men feel they have over women and that they need to be in charge of their wives even if it means using aggression to show their masculinity threw brute force.

Control of others is power and essential in males and most valuable to soldiers where Othello has been in the military since the age of seven and has been singularly schooled in a military code that condones force. When the correct situation arises violent behavior will enviably erupt. Since Desdemona is his personal possession or trophy her presumed disloyalty is not only a loss of love but a loss of male nobility in Shakespeare Othello.

A prime example of this was when Othello strikes at his wife after Iago lies to him and makes him belief that she has slept with another. "Furthermore Othello unquestionably affirms his prerogative to chastise his wife and never questions that if Desdemona is unchaste he has the right to kill her." (Deats 34) Othello affirms that Desdemona is his property by inviting her to the wedding bed. He employs the lexicon of commerce, not of love. Come, my dear love, the purchase made, the fruits are to ensure; the profits yet to come between me and you." (Shakespeare 2.3.9-11)

The play also talks about how Iago and Emilia behave due to the fact that Iago treats his wife poorly, never appreciating her for who she is. Deats explains that Iago "falsely suspects his own wife Emilia of unfaithfulness, defaming her as both a strumpet and a shrew, and treats the courtesan Bianca with undisguised contempt." (Deats 34)

For the reason that Iago believes woman are to the lowest common dominator to him woman are all weak, lustful creatures, at best valuable to bear children and to keep petty household accounts, basically good for nothing but sex. Iago says in Act 2, "suckle fools and chronicle small beer" (Shakespeare 2.1.159) So Shakespeare legitimizes domestic violence with the use of male dominance in society. With negative stereotyping of women in Othello revealed by how male character treat their wives.

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