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Squeaky in Raymonds Run Essay


Squeaky is the main character in Toni Cade Bambaras story, Raymonds Run. She is the character I will be analyzing. She changes from being an insecure, arrogant fighter to a respectful, confident girl. The reason she changes is because she watches her brother run his first race and she realizes that hes a good runner.

At the beginning of the story, Squeaky is tough and arrogant. She says to her enemy, Gretchen, I win cause Im the best (23). This shows that she is arrogant and rude to others. She also challenges Gretchen and her sidekicks by saying, Thats right, Fatso. And the next word out of anybody and Ill be their mother too (20). Here she shows that she truly is tough and she is not just talk. The girls back away in fear, too intimidated to respond to her challenge.

The reader quickly discovers, however, that Squeaky acts this way only because shes hiding her true insecurities. Shes embarrassed that she has no friends and shes jealous of Gretchen because she has friends and is a good runner. After leaving the confrontation, Squeaky says that she continues down Broadway, with not a care in the world because I am Miss Quicksilver herself. Here, it is obvious that she really does care, and that she cant even admit it to herself. All she has is her brother Raymond, and although she cares about him, she doesnt respect him enough to be a friend.

By the end of the story, Squeaky is a completely different person. She respects Gretch and Raymond and she has become confident in herself. Cause shes good, no doubt about it. Instead of rubbing it in that she won, she can compliment Gretchen and give her a true smile. She also learns to respect Raymond. As she watches him climb the fence after the race, she realizes, Raymond would make a very fine runner (27). Shes ready to give up running to coach Raymond because she has many other things she can be good at. She is no longer so insecure about herself that she has to be the best runner.

Squeaky changes so drastically because she finally realizes that her brother is a true runner. As she watches him run, she realizes that he has his own style and that he is really good at something. This makes her realize that her brother has problems a lot worse than she does. She can now help her brother and not worry so much about herself. She can also make some friends.

In the end, Squeaky realizes that girls can be real and that can make friends. She learns some important lessons and shes a better person by the end.

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