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Suspects in Romeo And Juliet Essay


When informed of the suicides, the first suspect was Capulet, Juliets father. Witnesses overheard a fight between Juliet and Capulet concerning Juliet marrying Paris (Act three, Scene Five). Other actions and by Juliets father could have been an impact on the suicides of Romeo and Juliet. Capulet allegedly was forcing Juliet to marry Paris. Capulet was overheard to say:

hang thee young baggage disobedient wretch

O heavens! O wife, look how our daughter bleeds!

(Act Three, Scene Five, Line 165)

This dagger hath mistaken, for, lo, his house

Is empty, on the back of Montague,

And it mis-sheathed in my daughters bosom!

(Act Five, Scene Five, Line 208)

When Capulet heard about his daughters death he believes that Romeo was the one that should have gotten stabbed and but eventually came to an agreement with the Montague family. Capulet did not have much of a motive as to have his daughter commit suicide, as Juliet was Capulets only daughter, Capulet had no obvious motive for him to purposely lead his daughter to commit suicide.

The second suspect to be brought into the investigation was Friar John. He was unknown to the Capulet and Montague families, but a good friend of Friar Lawrence who allegedly gave him a letter to give Romeo informing him that Juliet was not really dead. Friar John was unable to deliver the letter to Romeo in Mantua as there was an infectious disease stopping him from leaving his house (Act Five, Scene Two). Friar Johns actions contributed to the suicides as they if the letter was delivered to Romeo, in result he would not have taken the poison which also lead to Juliets death. Friar John may not have had any motive towards these two suicides, but his actions were a large contribution towards them.

The third suspect to under go interrogation in this case was Nurse, Juliets nanny and best friend. Witnesses have testified that Juliet trusted nurse with her secrets and her thoughts; this is shown when Juliet confessed that she had spoken to Romeo Montague and has fallen in love with him, (Act Two, Scene Five). Other actions that could possibly have contributed to these two suicides, when the alleged suspect was informed of the engagement of Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague, she was overheard to say to Juliet to marry Paris, a wealthy business man who could provide for Juliet. Nurse was also overheard to say to Juliet:

I think it best you marry with the county

Nurses reaction to the suicides would have been upset, but then blaming herself for encouraging Romeo and Juliet to marry. A reasonable motive does not exist for Nurse as she was so close with Juliet and would be so upset if anything happened to her.

Friar Lawrence is the last and most likely suspect for the cause of these suicides. Friar Lawrence was a friend of Romeo Montague. Witnesses have testified that Romeo regularly visited Friar Lawrences cellar, one recent visit to tell Friar Lawrence that he no longer has feelings for Rosaline and that hes found someone else, Romeos ex girlfriend (Act Two, Scene Three). Other actions Friar Lawrence made leading up to the suicides could have contributed to them a great deal. On the day Juliet woke from her sleep, Friar Lawrence went to see her, when Juliet awoke she saw her Husband dead at her feet. Friar Lawrence then fled from the room to escape the police. When the Friar later returned, Juliet Montague had killed herself with a dagger. The Friar was earlier overheard saying:

Young Juliet is alive

For whose dear sake though

Wast but lately dead

Juliet- what if it be poison which the Friar

Subtly hath ministered to have me dead

Friar Lawrence had a reasonable motive in this case, as he did not approve of the marriage or Romeo and Juliet which could have resulted in the suicides being encouraged by Friar Lawrence.

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