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Fate in Romeo And Juliet Essay


Romeo and Juliet

Fate plays an important part in the tragedy Romeo and Juliet. The motif presents many examples to lead the star-crossed lovers to their suicides. One example is Count Paris wanting to marry Juliet around the timing of Juliets wedding to Romeo. Lord Capulet, who did not know about Juliets marriage to Romeo, agrees to the Counts proposal in his daughters hand in marriage. To avoid the marriage to Paris, Juliet drinks the poison to set her into a death like coma to defy fate. The letters failure to reach Romeo about Juliet not being dead sent by Friar Laurence is an act of fate as well. The wedding had been pushed a day ahead giving very little time for the letter to get to Romeo. Friar John had gone to see a sick person with the plague. After that, no one would even touch the letter to give it to Romeo. A third and final example is Romeos timing on finding Juliet dead. If he had come in even five minutes later than he did, he would have found Juliet awakening. This would have spared three lives; Juliets, Romeos, and Pariss. Fate had done what was needed to kill Romeo and Juliet and to end the feud between the Capulets and Montagues.

Juliet had been the most dynamic between the two young lovers. During Juliets first scene in the play, she says that she will love, but only if it pleases her parents. Her willingness to follow authority shows her immaturity at the beginning of the play. Like a little girl, Juliet had been scared to make her own choices. After meeting Romeo, she becomes more and more assertive to live her own life. In Act III Lord Capulet tells Juliet to marry Count Paris. Instead of giving in to her father, Juliet goes against him. This had shown her transformation of obedient child to a young woman. Everything she did was by her own wants after meeting Romeo when before she never disobeyed her father.

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