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Commentary on The Kite Runner Essay


The Kite Runner is a novel that fictionalises the Afghan culture for foreign readers. I've read this book before because of a recommendation from a friend, and it turned out to be one of the most accomplished books I have ever read.

What inspired me most is the two main characters: Amir and Hassan. How the book looks at Amir deals with a secret in his past and how that secret shaped who he became is also impressive. In the book, Amir tells of his childhood friendship with Hassan, his relationship with his father and growing up in a privileged place in society, and I was drawn in by Amir's voice. I sympathized with him, cheered for him and felt angry with him at different points. Similarly, I became attached to Hassan and his father.

The vivid tale the author tells make the characters became real to me. As I read the book, I felt so connected and attached to the characters, almost as if I was living in their world. I also learned a lot about Middle Eastern culture and lifestyle. The only negative part of the book was the rape scenes that were a bit graphic and explicit

This book not only provides a historical and cultural insight into the workings of Afghanistan's complex social structure, but also riddled with clever plot twists, which are most often totally unexpected. This book is so well written, that I had no problem relating to the characters or understanding it. I would read this book again and maybe some more of the authors books. It was a great read.

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