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Character Development of David in I Am David Essay


I am David is written by Anne-Holm.I am David is about a 12 year old adolescent escaping a concentration camp controlled by Russia otherwise known as the U.S.S.R (Union of Soviet Socialist Republic or now known as the Commonwealth of States). David has lived in a concentration camp all his life and has no indication of any kind about his parents. At that One night without any explanation, a guard arranges for him to escape, the guard also arranges for the electric current switched off from the perimeter fence for half a minute, just long enough for David to climb over. He is given bread and water and a compass. He is told to head south for Salonika, stow away on a ship sailing to Italy, and then walk north until he comes to a country called Denmark. Emotionally at the start David considered that all people are bad and noone can be trusted. . David goes through many spiritual, emotional and physical changes throughout his journey.

In Davids planned escape he physically changes through out his journey. David changes physically in numerous ways like at the start he is skinny and not that strong until you find out he rescues a girl named Maria who was just shorter David if she was any taller he wouldnt be able to carry her but before he rescued Maria he prayed to his God of the green pastures and the still waters to us Christians that is the same god we believe in because I ve seen a poster that says that our God is the God of green pastures and still waters.I have physiallythat says that our God is the God of green pastures and still waters.I have physically grown in height as well as I have grown in intelligence.

David is a in fact a really emotional person he shows how emotional he is towards violence and towards people who love violence for example David hates carlos like a grown man hates but he loves peace and music but doesnt understand why people love violence when your in a country when your free and dont need violence but in the end when David finds his mum he is overjoyed and learns to forgive Carlos.I have emotionally grown because 7yrs almost 8yrs after I became a foster child and when I came to staines I learned to orgive my mum because for 7 yrs the thought of her would infuriate me as well as making me about vegence and revenge on my mum however if I had stayed like that I would probably be a freak about about death and vegence.

David spiritually changes because at the start David hasnt even had a thought abot a God but after he lost his compass and loved the landscape in Italy he decided his God will be the god of green pastures and still waters.I have spiritually changed since grade 1 because I now about God and that he sent his son so we can repent and be saved so we can have eternal life in heaven but as Jesus said no one gets to the father without going through the son which means that Jesus died for you for sins to be forgiven if you believe and have a relationship with the Heavenly Father God.

In this I have talked about about Davids life of how he changed spiritually, mentally and physically as well as some examples of before and after as well as metioning some of my own life.

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