The Wellwishers Study Guide

The Wellwishers

The Wellwishers by Richard Fountain

Ignoring DeKay and the others, Gideon picks up the twins and runs away from the water. With elation, he sees Charlie driving the SUV towards them. Arriving just in time, Gideon throws the kids in the car. Reyes joins them in the back seat. Gideon jumps into the driver’s seat and is ready to take off when the passenger door bursts opens. DeKay curls a bloody knife around Charlie’s neck. He’s not going to let the girls get away. Gideon watches, helpless, as Charlie makes a fateful decision. Using all his strength, Charlie lunges backwards into DeKay. Sacrificing himself for the twins, the two are thrown out of the SUV and swallowed up by a wave of black seawater. What follows is a race against time and the forces of nature. Driving with reckless abandon, Gideon weaves through the streets of Littleton; a towering wave of seawater and debris nipping on his heals. He enters the tunnel out of town mere seconds before the wall of destruction, but he is not fast enough to outrun it. Inside the tunnel he loses control of the vehicle. The water pushes them forward, faster and faster. Gideon no longer knows how fast they’re going. The car is banged mercilessly from all sides. Seawater is coming in from numerous cracks and fissures. The girls are screaming in the back seat. Up ahead, a ray of light penetrates the water. The tunnel entrance is fast approaching. Like a cannon ball, the SUV is launched from the tunnel. The vehicle lands with a thunderous crash. Airbags deploy. Outside, water rages against the SUV before slowly receding back towards the tunnel. They hava made it. The twins are safe. Days later, Pak Te Hwan is surprised by a visit from President Yi Sang Gojong. A man dressed entirely in black escorts the president. Pak draws his breath in with a loud sucking sound and shudders. The president has received word of Pak’s betrayal. The secret police have come to arrest him.

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