Strata Study Guides, Literature Essays

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  • Commentary on Macbeth


    Macbeth coursework Macbeth written in 1606 by William Shakespeare is a historical thriller and a fast moving action packed story Its about the portrayal of the fall of a great man because of a fatal flow in his character It is a play of illusions emphasizing the effects on human beings of mysterious and supernatural forces Shakespeare was born in Stratford England in the 16th century Shakespeare went to a grammar school but did not continue on to going to university He married Anne Hathaway in

  • Views and Values in Richard Iii


    Richard The Third VIEWS AND VALUES RICHARD III Richard the third is one of the most provocative examples of literary text I have ever been privileged too discover It explores many sociological aspects of Shakespeares time and can be even used as a tool to explore our modern society This can be done as it delves into aspects of human character which are the very fabric of humanity as we know it It does this predominantly through Richard whos absolute domination of the text is unparalleled out of

  • Commodification In The Great Gatsby: A Marxist Criticism


    Karl Marx believed that money was the force which created the human experience According to Marxism getting and keeping economic power is the motive behind all social and political activities Tyson 53 Marx believed that a persons material economic condition is fundamentally connected to their historical social and political condition Therefore an individuals actions and or creations cannot be understood without understanding their material and historical situations Capitalism the fundamental ec

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