Rebel Study Guides, Literature Essays

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  • McmUrphy's Journey in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest


    Conflicts or battles can be described as a struggle between two or more opposing forces caused by disagreement or dispute In the novel One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey the author uses conflict to develop themes Through the eyes of Chief Bromden a mute Indian the novel describes a story of a psychiatric hospital and a new patient by the name of Randle McMurphy and his on going fight with the sinister Nurse Ratched When McMurphy enters the ward many of the patients are confused by his

  • Dante's Inferno: Journey Of A Lifetime


    When I had journeyed half of our lifes way I had found myself within a shadowed forest for I had lost the past that does not stray Canto I lines 1 3 These opening lines establish themes that are to come in this book These are themes that actively engage the reader in this unforgettable journey through Hell that can easily be applied to their own lives Dante includes the reader by using words like our life that draws the reader in by telling them that they are actually accompanying Dante on the

  • David Copperfield From a Suppressed Boy To Success


    David Copperfield is a young boy s passion to growup to be a respectable learned useful member of the society His hardwork courage honesty and sensibility take him to heights despite harsh opposing circumstances David is portrayed as the only child born after his fathers death and becomes victim of bad fortune from the beginning however his real sufferings starts when her mother re marries The scenes of David boyhood are among the best imagined in the novel They are woven in such a way by Charl

  • Desdemona in Othello


    Desdemona can easily labelled a meek vulnerable and unintelligent character which does her no justice She showed that she was a strong independent brave and rebellious feminist acting out in a way that was not accepted or respected for women breaking through the gender Barriers of a male dominated society Desdemona is much unlike other females in the play her personality and speech isnt consistent with the female stereotype thus distinguishing her power Her upbringing as a secluded upper class

  • Desdemona in Othello


    William Shakespeares play Othello the Moor of Venice is a tragic drama about the debacle of a renowned general whom the play is named after The drama revolves around Othellos decay from loving and trusting his wife to planning out her very death His wife Desdemona is a vital character in the story torn between her independence and her loyalty towards her husband In the forefront of the play Desdemona is portrayed as a strong and independent woman but later her personal statements as well as her

  • Diamond Conflicts Vs. The Poisonwood Bible


    Precis The Poisonwood Bible is a 658 page novel written by American author Barbara Kingsolver in 1999 The novel sets a stage of a missionary father Nathan Price that brings his family to Africa during the 1960s Nathan is on a mission to spread Christianity and convert American customs to everyday African customs Kingsolver shows a parallel in how a family is able to be torn apart by conflict and customs to actual occurrences of this in real life Is the expense of an innocent life worth the beco

  • Use of Literary Devices in 1984


    Discuss and illustrate how Orwell political and social views are shown by the choices of themes characters language narrative style in 1984 Comment on distinctive features of the novel Commenting on how effective you find it in warning about the dangers of totalitarianism Nineteen eighty four was released in 1948 It is a satire that depicts Orwells extreme perspective of a future controlled by totalitarianism In the novel the world is split up into three main super powers Oceania Eurasia and Ea

  • Characters in An Inspector Calls


    In 1946 Priestley put pen to page and began to write a very important and meaningful play An Inspector Calls He set it in 1912 to give himself a very clever advantage over his very nave characters and a strong persuasive hold on his future audience too His characters were completely oblivious to the two devastating world wars ahead where as the audience were not which cleverly creates strong dramatic irony that brings the play to life He embedded himself into the play by becoming the character

  • Presentation and Function of Symbols in A Dolls House


    A Dolls House by Henry Ibsen adapted by Frank McGuiness centres around the controversial theme of female repression in the 1970s It is about a middle class family in which the wife Nora is controlled and infantilized by her husband Without his knowledge she undergoes a loan to safe his life but by doing so she undermines all of his core familial values She goes to every extent so that he does not find out but in the end it is inevitable As in many literary works A Dolls House contains many symb

  • Childhood in Wuthering Heights


    Discuss the ways in which Bronte portrays childhood in the opening of Wuthering Heights Where most of the other literature of the era shows childhood as a time of innocence and enjoyment Bronte portrays childhood as a time of difficult uncontrollable passion and confusion to be overcome by growing into adulthood Heathcliff has an especially difficult childhood as he enters the Earnshaw family as an orphan from a much lower class meaning he has a lot to adjust to Bronte doesnt reveal where Heath

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