Desperation Study Guides, Literature Essays

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  • Commentary on Of Mice and Men


    Of Mice and Men teaches a grim lesson about the nature of human existence Nearly all of the characters including George Lennie Candy Crooks and Curleys wife admit at one time or another to having a profound sense of loneliness and isolation George sets the tone for these confessions early in the novel when he reminds Lennie that the life of a ranch hand is among the loneliest of lives Men like George who migrate from farm to farm rarely have anyone to look to for companionship and protection As

  • Loneliness in Of Mice And Men


    All humans desire to love and to be loved If we do not achieve this we often experience solitude and loneliness In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck loneliness is illustrated through the lives of characters living on a ranch during the great depression Characters such as Crooks Curleys wife and Candy all experience loneliness throughout the novel due to being discriminated against insecurity and because of lack of companionship Right from the beginning an atmosphere of solitude within

  • Scene Analysis: Much Ado About Nothing


    In Act 4 Scene 1 Beatrice and Benedick both appear to believe that Hero is innocent and blameless However whilst they both have responded to Claudios public rejection of Hero in a similar manner their moods are dissimilar Everyone else leaves apart from Benedick and Beatrice Beatrice is in tears She should cry in sadness but also express frustration and fury so that the audience knows exactly how she feels and so that they can empathize with her Benedick asks Beatrice if she has wept all this w

  • Analysis of Macbeth


    Analyse the actions and the dialogue within the play that aides your understanding of a character The drama script Macbeth written by William Shakespeare in 1606 set in Scotland Conveys the story of a Scottish soldiers ambition to grasp wealth materialism and kingship and how this overwhelming desire plagues his conscience affecting his mental and emotional well being The main character Macbeth uses actions and dialogue which are witnessed by the audience to promote a tragedy at the beginning o

  • Commentary on Macbeth


    In his legendary play Macbeth 1623 William Shakespeare renowned actor and playwright attests that humans have the ability to make conscience decisions and be virtuous but over ambition piloted by thoughts and actions that fundamentally go against nature lead to the destruction of oneself and others Through this play Shakespeare uses the character of Macbeth who starts off as a trustworthy compassionate valiant brave beloved honorable and bold soldier who then becomes a self destructive tyrant w

  • Commentary on Macbeth


    Macbeth coursework Macbeth written in 1606 by William Shakespeare is a historical thriller and a fast moving action packed story Its about the portrayal of the fall of a great man because of a fatal flow in his character It is a play of illusions emphasizing the effects on human beings of mysterious and supernatural forces Shakespeare was born in Stratford England in the 16th century Shakespeare went to a grammar school but did not continue on to going to university He married Anne Hathaway in

  • Analysis of Lord Of The Flies


    Lord of the Flies by William Golding tells a demoralizing tale about a group of young boys stranded on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere Ralph the protagonist is the leader of the group tries to guide them to survival by trying to create a government but ends up in horrible chaos due to the sickeningly flagitious nature of mankind Goldings novel demonstrates how human behavior declines into savagery once the restraints of civilization are removed Golding shows us how human nature can f

  • Analysing the Sections of Life Of Pi


    The Key To Survival The novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel is divided up into three sections that at first seem fairly inconsequential to one another However shortly into the reading of the second part of the novel a reader will realize the importance and depth reached by bring these two separate pieces of work together One of the most obvious themes of the novel enhanced by strong metaphors and symbols is survival Martel is able to indirectly describe nearly every type of basic survival strategy

  • King Lear's Denial


    The decisions one makes can influence the course of ones journey through life all stemming from a single moment in time In William Shakespeares tragic play King Lear the title character is a flawed man whose inability to see the truth in front of him leads to his downfall King Lears journey through the play takes him on a path from denial to rage to isolation leaving him in the end a broken fragment of the king he once was His denial stems from his not being able to see his daughters true color

  • Nihilism in King Lear


    As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods they kill us for their sport Gloucesters words in Shakespeares King Lear represent a sense of futility and of being controlled by external powers revealing hopelessness at every level As the director of the most recent production of King Lear I have chosen a nihilistic perspective on the play emphasizing the bleak and meaningless world of the characters Such an approach was made famous by Peter Brook 35 years ago on the stage and then in film My style

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