Essays on An Inspector Calls

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  • An Inspector Calls


    Explore the ways in which Priestley communicates his message in An Inspector Calls In order to establish how J B Priestley communicates his message within An Inspector Calls we must first establish what is the central message within the play The central theme that Priestley is trying to communicate is very similar to that which Dickens communicates in A Christmas Carol in which a series of ghosts appear to show Scrooge the error of his ways Marleys ghost tells Scrooge that he has been cast into

  • an inspector calls


    An Inspector Calls is a play which was written by John Boynton Priestley in 1912 and it was set in the theatre on the 1st of October 1946 Priestley uses the play as an example of what can happen if we are ignorant to the feelings of others Priestley believed a great deal in socialism and he used several of his plays to try and influence people to be Socialist The audience does not find a great deal out about the Inspector and nothing is explicitly told to us we are given hints and clues from th

  • An Inspector Calls: Who is to Blame?


    An Inspector Calls Who is the most to blame for the death of Eva Smith A short way into the start of the story an inspector calls in on the Birling family to question them about some recent events concerning a girl called Eva Smith It turns out that she had recently committed suicide by drinking some disinfectant As the story moves on the inspector finds that all the family members Mr B Mrs B Sheila Eric and Gerald all had some responsibility in her death It is because of this that it is diffic

  • Analysis of An Inspector Calls


    Everyone in society is linked John Boynton Priestley was born in Yorkshire in 1894 He knew early on that he wanted to become a writer but decided against going to university as he thought he would get a better feel for the world around him away from academia Instead he became a junior clerk with a local wool firm at the age of 16 When the First World War broke out Priestley joined the infantry and only just escaped death on a number of occasions After the war he gained a degree from Cambridge U

  • Arthur Birling in An Inspector Calls


    An Inspector Calls by J B Priestley Character Study Arthur Birling Arthur Birling is a wealthy self made middle class factory owner of the Edwardian era We first learn about him from the stage directions Priestley describes him as rather portentous suggesting he is serious and self important This characterises his attitude throughout the play where his sense of his standing in society and the rights this affords him prevent him from the learning the lesson of responsibility that forms the main

  • Characterisation in An Inspector Calls


    An inspector calls J B Priestleys play an inspector calls leaves the impression on the audience no matter what their political views are that everyone should take responsibility for their own actions The play was set in 1912 and it leaves a cliff hanger for the audience as they make their own opinion on who is responsible for Eva smiths death as the phone rings announcing an inspector is on his way J B Priestley crafts a character with selfishness and self centered emotions through the characte

  • Characters in An Inspector Calls


    In 1946 Priestley put pen to page and began to write a very important and meaningful play An Inspector Calls He set it in 1912 to give himself a very clever advantage over his very nave characters and a strong persuasive hold on his future audience too His characters were completely oblivious to the two devastating world wars ahead where as the audience were not which cleverly creates strong dramatic irony that brings the play to life He embedded himself into the play by becoming the character

  • Conflict in An Inspector Calls


    AREA OF STUDY ESSAY Conflict has many causes and consequences and in JB Priestleys play An Inspector Calls they are shown through the character of the inspector telling the responder that without a resolution it can and will lead to a social revolution The causes and consequences are also shown in in the ghetto by stating that ultimately the consequence of conflict is death and in Buddha Saw by telling us the cause of conflict can be put down to the injustice and mistreatment of society In An I

  • Consequences in An Inspector Calls


    An Inspector Calls An inspector calls by J b Priestly is a play which focuses on the responsibilities and consequences of each character in the play During the play the audience discover who is the most to blame for the death of the young lady Eva Smith In Brumley a large house set in 1912 A family were celebrating the engagement of Miss Sheila Birling and Mr Gerard Croft During the celebration an inspector known as inspector Goole interrupted them about an incident at the infirmary He informed

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