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Warnings in Fahrenheit 451 Essay


In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953), members of society focus only on entertainment, immediate gratification and speeding trough life. If books are found, they are burned and their owner is arrested. If the owner refuses to abandon the books, he or she often dies, burning along with them. People with interested outside of technology and entertainment are viewed as strange as possible threats. The authors three warnings to contemporary society are technology, mass entertainment replaces literacy, and fast paced lifestyle.

The first warning is Technology. Bradbury described the damage caused by a lack of books or knowledge as an over-dependence on technology, such as small seashell radios broadcast into people's ears throughout the day. Television screens take up entire parlor room walls and characters can speak directly to the listener, addressing him or her by name. Also, the retired English professor Faber invents a small seashell to be inserted in Montags ear to help Montag when he was going to meet his boss Beatty. It is showed clearly when Faber told Montag: Go to the firehouse when its time. I will be with you. Lets listen to this captain together. He could be one of us. God knows. Ill give you things to say. Well give him a good show (P.91).

A second warning is mass entertainment replaces literacy. Bradbury wanted to show how the government made sure that they gave citizens the right entertainment so they did not get bored and think about something else. This is showed clearly when Montag was in the subway and couldnt concentrate on reading the bible because of the

Denhams Dentifrice commercial. Bradbury showed how Montags boss Beatty tried to convinced Montag how entertainment is better than literacy to show him that their major duty was to make people happy when Beatty said: Dont let the torrent of melancholy and drear philosophy drown our world (P.62). In addition, Clarisse explained to Montag about how her school thought about socializing when she said: But I dont think its social to get a bunch of people together and then not to let them talk, do you(P. 29).

The third warning is fast paced lifestyle. Fahrenheit 451 by Bradbury showed how people drive their car very fast when Clarisse said: I sometimes think drivers dont know what grass is, or flower, because they never see them slowly (P. 9). In addition, Clarisse talked to Montag about how police dont care how people drive fast as far they have insurance. She was clear when she told Montag about her uncle was in jail because he was driving slow when Clarisse said: He drove forty mile an hour and they jailed him for two day. Isnt that funny, and sad too (P.9)

In conclusion, Bradbury wanted to warn readers on technology, mass entertainment replaces literacy, and fast paced lifestyle are very dangerous in their societies and they are very harmful to every generation. Fahrenheit 451 provides a view of the future for the world and for humanity, some of the predictions for society in the novel already seem imminent today. It forecasts humans with no control over their thoughts and their lives passing so past. They no longer slow down and enjoy everything.

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