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Overcoming Obstacles in A Worn Path Essay


Eudora Weltys short story A Worn Path is about Phoenix Jacksons trip to town to get medicine for her grandson. The story is set in Natchez, Mississippi during a time when money was scarce. The theme of A Worn Path is overcoming physical challenges and discovering more about oneself along the way. Welty reveals this theme through indirect characterization, descriptive writing, and symbolism.

The short story is about an elderly woman named Phoenix Jackson. She has to travel into town one day to get medicine for her grandson. On her trip, she approaches and overcomes many obstacles. Phoenix is very senile but determined. This is shown through indirect characterization. Along the way, Phoenix runs into a hunter. The hunter and Phoenix talk for a little while and the hunter points his gun at her. Phoenix does not know or care that the hunter is just testing her, but she overcomes that and carries on her way to town. Phoenix hallucinates and thinks she sees a small boy trying to giver her cake. In reality, there is no one there. Phoenix tells the boy no thank you and that she must get to town.

There is also quite a bit of descriptive writing in this short story. Welty describes Phoenix as old looking. Phoenixs eyes are blue with age, her face is wrinkled, and her shoe laces are untied. Welty describes Phoenixs dress as striped that is reaching down to her shoe tops. Phoenixs apron is made of bleached sugar sacks, with a full pocket. Welty says that Phoenixs skin had a pattern al its own of numberless branching wrinkles, as though a whole little tree stood in the middle of her forehead. Weltys descriptive writing helps give the readers a mental image of Phoenix. It shows that Phoenix lived in a time when money was scarce.

The short story also had symbolism. One example is Phoenixs name. Phoenix means a person or thing that has become renewed or restored after suffering calamity or apparent annihilation. This is relevant because Phoenix has overcome many obstacles on the path to town and is still determined to get the medicine for her grandson. Another symbol is the path itself. It is a metaphor for Phoenixs life. The path is full of hard obstacles and since the story is set in a time of hardships, it relates to Phoenix having to constantly overcome things.

Overall, the theme is about overcoming obstacles and discovering oneself along the way. Welty reveals the theme through indirect characterization, descriptive writing, and symbolism.

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