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Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Julius Caesar Essay


Though Brutus and Antony had the same rhetorical strategies, Antonys speech was more effective in winning over the audience.

Brutus and Antony both used the strategy of ethos, the image and character that they portray to the audience. Brutus started off his speech with Romans, countrymen, and lovers! Hear me for my cause, and be silent that you may hear. Believe me for mine honor, and have respect to mine honor that you may believe. (126). Brutus appeals to the audience with his honor, and calls them fellow romans and dear friends. By asking the people to believe him for his honor, he lays down his credibility of being an honorable person. He knows that the people know that he is honorable. Because of this, the audience believes that he killed the ambitious Caesar because he cares and loves the people of Rome. Antony was able to attack this ethos-driven speech. He starts by saying, Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. By saying so, he is presenting to the people that he is a friend. Saying that he wasnt praising Caesar also appeals to the audience because right now, they are hating Caesar. During the speech, he uses rhetorical irony, and attacks the ethos of Brutus. He constantly and sarcastically repeats that Brutus is an honorable man, after he puts Caesars image up each time. This key strategy makes the people question Brutuss honor and character.

Pathos is the appeal to the emotion, and is the most often used rhetorical strategy in both Brutuss and Antonys speech. Brutus asked many rhetorical questions and talked about how dangerous Caesar's ambition was and how he could have made them slaves. Antony however, brought up Caesars will. He teased the audience with the will, and made the audience beg Antony to hear it. This will appealed greatly to the peoples greed. Then, Antony showed them Caesars mantle with the holes from where the conspirators stabbed him multiple times. Mark how the blood of Caesar followed it, (the dagger of Brutus) as rushing out of doors, to be resolved if Brutus so kindly knocked, or no. For Brutus, as you know, was Caesars angel. This incredible figurative language gives the audience a sympathetic view towards Caesar. It symbolized Caesar's body as the door, Brutus knocking on the door, and the blood (Caesar) rushing out and asking, how could it be Brutus?. This completely changed the audiences viewpoint because they understand how killing a betrayal can be. This is where Antony instantly wins the audience over.

Logos is the logical appeal. Brutus questioned the people whether they wanted to be slaves, and the audience realized that under the ambitious Caesar, they could have been slaves. Antony reminds the people that Caesar refused the crown three times. Was this ambition? he said. By providing concrete evidence that what he says to the audience is true, the audience realizes that what Antony said earlier, when that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept. must also be true. This was appealing to their logic. Now, Antony has turned the audience against Brutus. They now think that Brutus brutally murdered the man who cared for them and wept for them. Not only that, but Antony shows how hurt and sad he was of the death of Caesar, his friend. Antony held dramatic pauses and made sure the audience was listening, unlike Brutus.

Because Antony got his point across in a more appealing way, utilized the three rhetorical strategies to his advantage, and impacted the Romans to get revenge for Caesars death, Antonys speech was the more effective one.

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