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Chivalric Quest in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Essay


Proof of a Chivalric Quest

A chivalric quest involves a knight who follows the code of chivalry. To prove a knight has experienced a chivalric quest they must go through certain aspects. Examples of these phases consist of serving his God, King, and family faithfully, accomplishing noble deeds, and accepting a knightly code. The knight must also display features of courage, strength, and self sacrifice, and possess a high position in society. In addition to these attributes a chivalric quest could include experiencing supernatural encounters, accepting a task or quest, and learning a lesson. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Sir Gawain experiences a chivalric quest through the acceptance of a task, supernatural encounters, and learning a lesson.

Sir Gawain plays a game that the Green Knight offers to the knights of King Arthur's court. The Green Knight originally wanted the strongest of the court, King Arthur. In turn, though, Sir Gawain accepts the challenge thinking he could earn some browning points with the more capable knights and King Arthur. Sir Gawain truly accepts the task that the Green Knight has bestowed upon him when he sets forth the next year to face his fate (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 169). His fate including his head separated from his body. And you'll have known all the time that I'll do it. I'll free him and go with him. Take the risk. Out there, (Lee 46). Claidi accepts the task Jizania Tiger asks her to fulfill. To be exact she does not completely accept what she is meant to do til she brings the wine, which Jizania drugs, to the guards as a distraction to try to free Nemian (Lee 50). Sir Gawain and Claidi both accept a task that could ultimately end in a deathly situation. Sir Gawain may get his head chopped off. Claidi may die out in the waste, a place in which she has never entered before.

Sir Gawain cuts off the head of the Green Knight. What all other knights would have expected was the fall of the Green Knight, never to wake again. Instead, though, the Green knight picks up his tumbling severed head and hops upon his horse to return to his castle (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 167-168). The charm Argul wears around his neck that looks like glass actually carries some magical chemical that reacts to his feelings (Lee 212). The feeling of love, when Claidi looks at the charm, is shown. Both Sir Gawain and Claidi come in contact with a magical force.

Sir Gawain eventually learns that he acts unfaithfully in accordance to the knightly code (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 174-175). Sir Gawain lies to the Green Knight when he does not give him the girdle meant to have magical powers to keep him safe, proving that he acts with selfishness. Selfishness is frowned upon in the chivalric knightly code. Claidi learns that she must rid the City of the Law in order to do the right thing for the suffering people (Lee 222). The Law requires people of the City to do ridiculous, almost pointless assays. If they do not achieve the Law given to them they must rot in jail. Sir Gawain and Claidi share another aspect of a chivalric quest once more in learning a lesson.

Sir Gawain goes through a chivalric quest just as Claidi experiences by accepting a challenge, witnessing a supernatural incident, and learning his faults in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Sir Gawain accepts the challenge to behead the Green Knight. He does not realize, however, that the Green Knight has supernatural qualities and therefore loses his challenge. Sir Gawain also learns that he has not contributed to the chivalric code faithfully and ergo must put in a better effort to become a better knight. Sir Gawain goes forth on a quest in this parable, in which he demonstrates aspects of a chivalric quest.

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