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Character Analysis for The Hunger Games Essay


In the novel The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, there are many characters introduced, but one really caught my eye. Katniss Everdeen (Kat) is one extraordinary character. She is brave due to the incredible things she does for her and her family. Katniss is also very smart and resourceful because of the things she remembers her dad taught her. To top her off Katniss is an amazing hunter trained by her father who was killed in a mining explosion. Kat is 16, has a sister named Primrose (Prim), and a mother. Prim has a cat and a goat. Prim is 12 and this is her first year to enter into the Hunger Games. Her mom is a widow and has no job. She is very lonely and depressed since her husband died. Kat must set out every day into the woods with her friend Gale to hunt for food to eat and trade at the black market to feed their families. Gale is a child with a 5 person family so he needs to catch a lot for his family. Gale is also a great hunter like Kat but he is much stronger and very good looking. Kat and Gale have the same hair, straight and black, same olive skin and both had gray eyes. They can be brother and sister.

Katniss is very brave in the book The Hunger Games because she does many things that are very outgoing. To start when her sister Prim got selected to go in the hunger games on the first year she was in the raffle Kat stepped in as a volunteer so her sister wouldnt have to go in. Kat as I mentioned is a very good hunter and her sister is not so she would have had no chance. Second off, Katniss goes hunting in the woods right outside of District 12 (Seam), to go hunting to get food for her family to eat and trade in to the black market (Hob) for other supplies and money. If caught the result could be death. She was also brave by trading in the Hob because if the mayor or Peacekeepers were to tell the Capitol, Panem, about the black market the people there could be punished and killed. But the Peacekeepers and mayor dont say anything because they know it is hard for the people in District 12 and the people are good customers of their products.

Katniss is a very good hunter in The Hunger Games because before her father died in a mining explosion he taught her how to hunt for food. After her father died she was lost and had no faith until Peeta gave her two loafs of burned bread and then she started to remember what her father had taught her about where good hunting places are and how to hunt with and bow and arrow. Her dad also taught her how to kill animals with a knife or finish killing them with a knife. She has also been taught how to set traps and catch animals by her friend Gale who she goes hunting with in the woods outside of district 12. She is also a very good archer because in the ratings for the Hunger Games she was shower her archer skills to be rated and most of the judges were not paying attention to her. They were busy drawling over a roasted pig. Katniss got so angered that she turned toward the judges and shot an arrow as hard as she can and nailed the apple in the pigs mouth and stormed out without being dismissed. She is also a very good hunter because during the Games she waited by the bag of equipment and threw a tracker jacket, that if u get stung by enough you can get killed, on it and it killed two people and wounded three.

Finally, Katniss is very smart and resourceful. Kat is very smart and resourceful because she remembers how she was named after a flower that can be used as a source of food. So when she was bathing in lake in the woods she kicked up some Katniss and remembered what her dad told her about the flower and she took them home to be cooked for her mom, Prim, and herself. Then she found some of the flower that Prim is named after and took that home to be used as the dinner for that night. She is also resourceful because she uses a knife, a nice thick stick, and a string to craft a bow-n-arrow. Katniss is very smart because she knows how to set traps, how to use a bow-n-arrow, and she knows how to climb trees and how to hunt.

The way Katniss dresses shows that she is not the wealthiest person or does not have that much money at all because she has old clothes and hasnt bought a new outfit in a long time. Positive characteristics that Katniss posses are determination. She uses determination to drive herself into getting food for her family when she is in District 12 and the drive to win the Hunger Games. Katniss does have fatal flaws that can get her into trouble but they dont because the people in District 12 know how hard it is to get by. Peeta Mellarks personality helped Kat to not give up hope that she will die because he purposely burned two pieces of bread to give to Kat when he saw her looking through the garbage. After that she knew that she would not die and that she must find food herself. Her friend Gale also helped her because he is just like her struggling to help his family and has more than three people in his family; he has five people to feed. He helps her to get food and go into the black market to sell and trade food.

So in the book Katniss does not only know things but she learns a lot to. She is very creative, crafty, brave, a good hunter and she is smart. She learns a lot in the training for the hunger games and from her friend gale about how to set traps. Katniss has great friends and great peers. She also has a pretty good life if u think about it. She has a great sister, a great mom and very nice friends. Katniss makes the plot move forward by always keeping it interesting. She always is in a conflict with herself and is always doing thing outrageous and extraordinary. Katniss is great and The Hunger Games is even greater.

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