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Interpretation of Animal Farm Essay


George Orwells novel Animal Farm is a reflection of Soviet totalitarianism. It is a clear expression of the authors anti-totalitarianism views. The differences between the film Animal farm, and the novel are meant to recognize the reality of Orwells interpretation. Certain details emphasizes the system of a tyrannous government. Over all the film captured the basic importance of Animal Farm.

Opening the movie Old Major is delivering his vision of the rebellion as done in the novel. However there seemed to be less involvement from the animals, and the characteristics of Napoleon and Snowball were strongly pointed out. This gave somewhat of a foreshadowing for the events to come and the attitudes of the pigs. Doing this, the film was able to give a stronger impression of the type of characters in the story.

Evident things, such as the puppies being taken because they were motherless, had been altered from what actually took place in the book. This was to avoid getting into a depth that would have taken more analyzing on the audiences part. In the novel the puppies werent taken until later in the story, and it showed more of how Napoleon schemed to get them. The basic point that needed to get across was that Napoleon would have them under his control.

Small details that gave a deeper insight to the history that Animal Farm was based on were not exactly necessary within the motion picture. However the same concept of the novel was able to be delivered. Mollie for example, who portrayed an ignorant character so fascinated with herself and the attention given by humans, was not key in reveling the truths in communism. She somewhat reflected how certain people are so pleased with the government and they trust blindly as long as the receive some sort of incentive. Although she contributes to Orwells vision in his novel, she was not important enough to spend time emphasizing on her in the film.

An issue in Animal Farm was the desire to capture utopia. Obviously they had failed. It lasted maybe a few moments before the pigs had begun taking the law of the farm into their own favor. This novel highlighted such issues in the world and so the film needed to capture the essences of it. Not wanting to feature too many unnecessary facts from the book only the most key events were delivered in the movie. This way the audience would not be able to miss the meaning of Animal Farm.

Since George Orwell captured so many different perspectives on absolutism the movie had to be different in order to capture all the importance of the over all story. The changes in the movie from the book were not because the film makers were careless, but because they were conscious of the significance in the theme of Anima Farm. So the reason the movie was slightly different from the novel was simply so that the true magnitude of Animal Farm could be captured.

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