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Analysis Of Squealer from Animal Farm Essay


Analysis of Squealer from Animal Farm

Squealer represents the chief minister of propaganda, who uses trickery, and deception to persuade the masses. Squealer's charismatic intelligence and unwavering loyalty to "comrade" Napoleon makes him the ideal propagandist for any tyranny. Throughout the book, Squealer acts as a spokesman for Napoleon, justifying his actions and policies. He succeeds because the animals fail to notice how he slowly twists the truth.

Squealer has all the characteristics of a successful orator; he is charismatic, intelligent, emotional, persuasive, and even hypnotic. He shed tears when speaking about Boxer's death, convinced the animals to lower their food rations, and as he walked to and fro, his tail "moved in a way which was very persuasive." Squealer's name suits him appropriately. Since a pig's primary vocalization is squealing, Squealer squeals nonsense and betrays his animals.

While pigs like Napoleon and Snowball are allegorically Stalin and Trotsky, respectively, Squealer has a less definitive role. Being the chief minister of propaganda, Squealer probably represents Stalin's close associate and protg, V. Molotov. He can also represent the wider array of propagandists, like the newspaper Pravda. It is also possible that Squealer was inspired by Goebbels of Nazi Germany. Squealer is in Animal Farm to illustrate the effect propaganda has on the masses, and how the masses easily change their minds. The allegory fits because the way Napoleon tyrannizes his people without opposition is similar to Stalin's regime.

Squealer employs techniques from the entire spectrum of propaganda. He uses confusing vocabulary, impenetrable statistics, and limits the terms of any debate. HE uses glittering generalities, like "freedom" (from Jones) and "justice" (against Snowball). When Napoleon exiles Snowball, Squealer calls Snowball names. HE uses the transfer method to associate Napoleon with revolution and the construction of the windmill, while associating Snowball with its destruction. Napoleon's regime is bases on fear if death (by carnivorous dogs) and fear of the return of Mr. Jones. Squealer uses double-speak and euphemisms. For example, he refers to the puppies' training as "special education." Squealer also uses testimonials, deliberately misquoting Old Major. He also alters the seven commandments, praying on the animal's inability to notice. Squealer appeals to the people by using the plain folks approach, praising Napoleon for his work ethics. Sometimes, Squealer uses bad logic to end an argument. On the question of why the pigs consumed the most milk and apples, Squealer replied that the apples helped the pigs think, which prevented Mr. Jones from returning.

Squealer's propaganda succeeds in manipulating the animals. His position serves a fitting allegory for the Soviet propagandist, V. Molotov or the newspaper Pravda. The techniques he employed were very effective in demonstrating the post revolutionary naivete of the animals, and of the people they represent

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