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Big Brother in 1984 Essay


Totalitarian government has been the most feared government by all because of the way the government is structured and how everything revolves around one or more people. The government that came close to Totalitarianism was Adolf Hitlers communist Nazi Government, and Italys Stalinism Government. The book 1984 by George Orwell used Totalitarianism in the book. It was not as real as it sounded but it was terrifying to even hear about it. Big Brother was like Hitler and his Communist Government but instead he was the leader of Oceania. IN Oceania it was worse than anyone can imagine because the party would tell the people that, (Orwell 36) Oceania was at war with Eurasia, and always has been at war with Eurasia. The party and Big Brother could tell their people anything, give them false information without even giving them evidence and the would still believe the party and Big Brother. He had so much power in his Country that he could never be stopped. The role of Big Brother and the party is to keep power over their people by torturing their people, watching there every move, and to take away words to prevent rebelling on the Party, and Big Brother.

Torturing the people of Oceania was a great way for people not to rebel against the Party because they would be scared of the electric shock treatment, the hitting of steal rods, starvation, and most of all room 101. Room 101 was the most feared room in the Ministry of Love because the Party knew everything about their citizens on how the way they talk, eat, and most of all your fears. They would use that against you in room 101. Everyone feared that room and would even give up someone elses life except their own. Like all people Winston was the same, (Orwell 300), Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia! Not me! Julia! I dont care what you do to her. Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia! Not me! They would do anything to get out of your worst fear like Winston he was scared of rats and gave up his love for Julia because of rats. In the cell that Winston was in he was surrounded by telescreens and was on watch for 24/7. Anything he did like put his hands in his pocket (Orwell 238) Smith yelled a voice from the telescreen. 6079 Smith W! Hands out of pockets in the cells!

Big Brother was very secure of what his people did so the smartest thing that he and the part did was put telescreens in every possible place so that people did not do anything that was against what the Party believed in. They would put it in every room just in case some secret organization would go against the Party. (Orwell 230) We are the dead, he said We are the dead, echoed Julia Dutifully, You are the dead, said an iron voice behind them. The party hated people that tried to rebel against Big Brother, and one of them was having sex, but not for pleasure, but for freedom of say and to do what you want. When Julia and Winston where in the room that Mr. Charrington let them borrow, Winston thought that there was no telescreen but really there was behind the portrait that caught them both and got them into the Ministry of Love. (Orwell 34) Smith! screamed the shrewish voice from the telescreen. 6079 Smith W! Yes, you! Bend lower, please! You can do better that that. Youre not trying. Lower, please! That shows that every little thing that they do they watch and pay attention very closely. Even with the words that they use or how they say things they pay attention to.

Big Brother was even smarter that you think because he gets to this physically, emotionally, and now verbally. He takes away words in the English Dictionary and adds new words to the Newspeak Dictionary, so it becomes even hard to rebel.

(Orwell 54) Take good, for instance. If you have a word like good, what need is there for a word like bad? Ungood will do just as well - better, because its an exact opposite, which the other is not. Or again, if you want a stronger version of good, what sense is there in having a whole string of vague useless words like excellent and splendid and all the rest of them? Plusgood covers the meaning; or doubleplusgood if you want something stronger still.

Instead of using long words like Big Brother they also called him B.B. It would be easier to use and say. Words like unperson means person that has been erased from existence by the government for breaking the law in some way. Also there is the word vaporized which means the act of being executed by the state, and having all records of your existence erased.

This community was a stable community but very hard to work with because of the living standards that these people had to face. Giving these people nothing to work with is hard for the people to rebel that makes Big Brothers job a lot easier. Without these strict rules there would not be such a sophisticated life in this country/life. In 1984 Big Brother played a big role because he made all the rules that every followed. Whatever he said goes, which made him a leader that could tell his people what to do and they would listen. Still to this day Totalitarianism is feared by most people but not as common as it us to be. More countries are going to the safe way of how a government should be properly managed for their people.

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