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Heroism in Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Essay


In the poems Beowulf and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the protagonists Beowulf and Sir Gawain demonstrate the characteristics of a hero. Courage is the one of the important characteristics that the great hero must be. When compared and contrasted, the two characters portray the quality in their own way.

In the poem Beowulf, the main character, Beowulf is an incredible person who is willing to defeat anyone to keep his people safe. When Beowulf hears about the evil monster, Grendel, terrorizing King Hrothgar's people, he agrees to fight Grendel without hesitation. Beowulf fights the monster without any weapons, when he comes face to face with Grendel. And with his bear hands, Beowulf rips the arm off Grendel. By doing this, we see that Beowulf lacks no bravery. Towards the battle one last time, Beowulf who is being old and tired fights a dragon that has been frightening all his people. This battle ultimately kills him but he manages to kill the dragon too. The double death is for protection of his people. By putting the welfare of his people before his own and displaying super-human physical strength and courage, Beowulf shows the characteristics of heroism. In addition, he understands that fate ultimately decide the outcome of his battles as showing no fear and preparing for any possible outcome. I think he is very courage that no fears the fate in form of death.

While the poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the main character, Sir Gawain faced different challenges than Beowulf. One of the first places we see his bravery, when Gawain alone volunteers to take Arthurs place in the beheading game that proposed by the Green Knight. By doing this, Gawain not only shows his courage, but also his honor for the chivalric code. He proves his honor by setting out to find the Green Knight a year later; even though he does not know where he lives and is certain his death will come when the meeting arrives. The poem's main theme is Gawain's honor and it is tested. He basically keeps his honor even in the face of great temptation as the Bertilaks lady tries to tempt him. Nevertheless he falters in trying to protect his life. Even though Gawain has the green girdle that the lady gives him, Gawain flinches when the Green Knight faked dropping the axe. With the act of flinching conveys he is not accepting his fate. This is as a sign of weakness and fear, yet it is not an absolute coward because of self-love. This is the instance that separates Beowulf from Sir Gawain. Beowulf not once questioned whether his life was too precious to die, yet this quality does not take away from Sir Gawain's heroism. Sir Gawain shows that while he is not perfect, he learns that there is not shame in being imperfect. Besides he shows the great courage for accepting and confessing his error to the Green Knight and King Arthurs court.

Both heroes are representing the great courage in their own way as Beowulf is "mighty, the strongest man ever" whereas Sir Gawain is "honorable, a brave and true knight." Beowulf only happens to be strong on the outside, but Sir Gawain contains a strong and stable heart.

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