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Beowulf: Anglo Saxon Society Essay


In Kevin Crossley - Hollands translation of the epic poem Beowulf, the stories protagonist Beowulf, displays the values of an ancient Anglo Saxon society. Anglo Saxon literature was composed of the ideas of comitatous, which is importance of loyalty towards the king, positive and honorable attitude towards war and battle, and the everlasting journey for fame and to be renowned. The storys epic hero, Beowulf, a valiant thane is pinned in three battles, each with its own unique and fierce foe. Within each battle, values of the Anglo Saxon society are shown. As each battle progresses on, the traits of comitatus, honor, and the need for fame are all displayed.

The desire for fame is incorporated in most Anglo Saxon literature. The poems epic hero Beowulf, is no different. His desire for fame is there and would risk his life to achieve it. In the poems first battle, Beowulf comes face to face with a formidable foe known as Grendel. Grendel was believed to be a descendent of the devil and is wrecking havoc in king Hrothgars kingdom. Beowulf hears about the beast stirring up trouble and decides to cross the ocean and save Hrothgars kingdom. Beowulf, strong and ambitious finds that slaying the monster, Grendel would be a good way to get himself known and famous which is the goal of every epic hero. Beowulf wanting to achieve ever lasting fame, battles with Grendel, one on one and slays him in the name of Hrothgar. Hrothgar ever so grateful to Beowulf gave him many treasure and threw a feast in his name. In the meantime, Hrothgar made sure that Beowulf never be forgotten, for his bold and noble deeds. Your deeds are famous, so stay resolute, my lord, defend your life now with the whole of your strength(Line 1821). Each encounter Beowulf confronts, he emerges victorious in some shape or form. With the triumph over Grendel, Beowulf was praised throughout Heroet for his nobility. Equally important, in battle three, Beowulf displays his need for fame one last time. In the third and final battle, Beowulf is the king of his own kingdom, and has been its ruler for fifty years. Likewise, he was called to be a hero. An infamous dragon is causing trouble in his kingdom and Beowulf will not sand for this. Beowulf believes that the Gods are displeased with him, and thats the reason this Dragon is scourging his land. So for one last time, Beowulf enters a battle for his land and to be remembered. He ends up slaying the dragon in a brawl to the death, but as a result, dies a heroic death from a mortal wound. His people build him a memorial so he would never be forgotten. They build it upon a high hill so that all the sailors and sea travelers will see it and reminisce on Beowulf. They said of all the kings on Earth he was the kindest, the most gentle, the most just to his people, the most eager for fame(2083). As the Geats mourn Beowulfs death, they reveal his most stunning qualities. Beowulfs unblock able path towards fame, was on the top of the list.

In addition to Beowulf portraying the Anglo Saxon value of fame, he also displays the trait of honor in battle. Fighting honorably was a trait that all warriors in Anglo Saxon poetry possessed. Previously in battle one verse Grendel, Beowulf displays honor and fairness in battle. Grendel the reckless decedent of the devil, despises the use of weapons. Beowulf wanting a fair battles does the same, he willingly strips himself of all weapons and armor. I deny myself the use of a sword and a broad yellow shield in battle; but I shall grapple with this fiend hand to hand; we shall fight for our lives(385). He does this to make the battle honorable and fair. If his foe doesnt not use weapons, why should Beowulf. The advantage of weapons would take away from the fight. Additionally, honor is also displayed when Beowulf slays Grendel. Beowulf cuts of Grendels arm and gives it to Hrothgar as a trophy. Yet now one warrior alone, through the almightys power, has succeeded where we failed for all our fine plans...Now, Beowulf, best of men, I will love you in my heart like a son; keep to our new kinship from this day on(804). Beowulf cleansed Hrothgars land of its evil doer and brings back Grendels arm for the king. As a result, Beowulf is praised for his honor in battle, and for his fairness during the fight. Beowulf fought for Hrothgar, and earned a special place in his heart and kingdom. Similarly, it is also displayed in battle three when Beowulf fights the dragon in defense of his land. He acts like a true king should. Act for the well being of his people and defense of his land. A very honorable king he was. Thus, the heroics of Beowulf did not go unnoticed, and he was known throughout the land for his prowess in battle.

Finally, the last Anglo Saxon trait is displayed is comitatous. Comitatous is loyalty towards ones king or loyalty to the nobility. Jumping ahead to battle three, comitatous is displayed in a young thane known as Wiglaf. Wiglaf is a young soldier that dedicated himself to Beowulf and helps him throughout his endeavors. During the battle, Beowulf is on the verge of defeat against the dragon. Consequently, Beowulfs band of soldiers all abandon him and cower in the woods. All except one soldier who was Wiglaf. The claims of kinship can never be ignored by a right-minded man(1083). Wiglaf jumps in the fury of battle to defend his king. He fights valiantly and nearly kills the dragon himself. But, before he puts the final blow into the dragon, Wiglaf hesitates, and lets Beowulf take the final blow in slaying the dragon. Wiglaf displayed were his loyalties lied, and how important Beowulf was to him. Likewise, Comitatous is also displayed by battle two. At the end of the battle two verse Grendels mother, Beowulfs soldiers wait out side the river for their hero to return. The river in which the battle took place became stained with blood, and many of the people waiting for Beowulfs return lost hope and retreated back to the town. The Geats, sick at heart, sat down and stared at the lake. Hopeless, they yet hoped to set eyes on their dear lord (1290). Beowulfs men, were lost without him. They yearned for his return and well being. And to their surprise he arrived and was happy to see his fellow comrades. Beowulfs men, proved their loyalty to him, and thats what made them his most trusted warriors.

In conclusion, the Anglo Saxon values of comitatous, honor in battle, and the yearning for fame are all displayed in the various battles. Comitatous was displayed in battle three when Wiglaf helps Beowulf slay the dragon and also in battle two when his soldiers wait for his return. Honor is displayed in battle one when Beowulf does not participate in battle with Grendel equipped with weapons. Displaying his fairness in battle. The ability to gain fame is also displayed in battle one when he travels the ocean just to slay Grendel. Likewise, it is also displayed in battle three when he makes one last fight to save his kingdom. These three things are all important parts of Anglo Saxon society and are seen in most Anglo Saxon stories and poems.

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