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Beowulf as an Epic Poem Essay


Epic Poem Characteristics

The anonymously written epic known as Beowulf involves the dangerous adventures of a brave warrior and reveals the values of the Anglo-Saxon people. The story tells of an atrocious monster named Grendel, who slaughters King Hrothgars men known as the Danes. Beowulf arrives as the towns savior and vows to defeat the wickedness of Grendel. Beowulf uses his mighty strength to win battles against pure evil and earn glory and fame; however, a later battle with a dragon does end his life. Beowulfs legacy teaches valuable lessons and knowledge, which can be applied to the modern world. The epic poem demonstrates repeated characteristics such as the presence of a hero with super powers, the belief in fate, and the dramatic struggle between good and evil.

In the poem, Beowulf represents the heroic main character with super powers. Beowulf expresses his true heroism by proudly and freely volunteering to help the troubled Danes. Beowulf models bravery, one of the most important traits of being a hero; which can be proven through his decision to fight Grendel with his bare hands. He states this by saying, My lord Higlac might think less of me if I let my sword go where my feet were afraid to, if I hid behind some broad linden shield: my hands alone shall fight for me, struggle for life against the monster ( 264-269). Thus, he uses his super power of strength to protect himself and harm to Grendel. Beowulf also expresses loyalty, another characteristic of a hero, by venturing far below the sea to finish off Grendel and his mother. Overall, Beowulf allows for his actions to prove that he truly represents a fearless hero.

Fate, the idea of a predetermined future, plays a large role in the beliefs and actions of not only Beowulf, but also other warriors in the epic. The Anglo-Saxons, the people who first told the story of Beowulf, believed strongly in the paganistic idea of fate. Beowulf knows fate will determine his life course; therefore, he does not hesitate to take risks. For example the quote, And for the first time in his life that famous prince fought with fate against him, glory denied him (685-687), expresses the belief that fate controlled every detail of ones life. The quote, But fate, that night, intended Grendel to gnaw the broken bones of his last human supper ( 309-312), also expresses the belief that fate controlled the actions of the people. In summary, the popular belief in fate of the Anglo-Saxons influenced the writing of the epic.

The dramatic difference between good and evil is expressed countless times in the epic. A prime example of this includes; Beowulfs ships represent goodness with glittering gold, whereas, Grendels home represents evil by darkness. Another example of the dramatic difference includes how Beowulf appears hairy and ugly, whereas, Beowulf appears in gleaming and shiny armor. This quote, Beowulf, a prince of the Geats, had killed Grendel, ended the grief, the sorrow, the suffering forced on Hrothgars helpless people by a bloodthirsty fiend (403-407) , proves that Beowulf holds a heroic and good reputation, in contrast, with Grendels evil reputation. The theme of good vs. evil allows epic poems to stay around for centuries because the themes still can relate to the current world. To reiterate, the difference in good vs. evil really contributes contrast and drama to the events of the epic.

Overall , the characteristics of the presence of a hero with super powers, the belief in fate, and the dramatic struggle between good and evil are three traits of an epic poem. The presence of Beowulf, as the hero, demonstrates heroic traits. The belief in fate, teaches relevant historical background information. Lastly, the dramatic struggle between good vs. evil allows for comparison to our own world.

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