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Animal Farm: A Short Interpretation Essay


Animal Farm Essay

In the book, Animal Farm, by George Orwell, deception and manipulation play key roles among the many animals of the farm. The other animals on the farm are often manipulated by squealer and napoleon to do whatever they want. Whatever the pigs say, is believed by the entire community of animals, who do not realize the danger they are put in by their rulers. The animals are toiling their lives away, in order to keep the pigs, and the dogs happy.

In the quote: A government which robs peter to pay paul can always depend on the support of paul, there is a lot of very important ideas, which can be easily connected to animal farm. When this quote is analyzed, many topics can be pulled out. The animals on the farm can be connected to peter, whom is being stolen from, and the pigs and the dogs are the rich business owners who are in need of bailout. The farm animals are working very hard, and are given barely enough food to stay alive.

This idea is easily shown in the book, Somehow it seemed as though the farm had grown richer without making the animals themselves any richer except, of course, for the pigs and the dogs. In this quote, the pigs are taking more than they need to survive from the farm and the rest of the starving animals.

All in all, I believe that many quotes can easily connect to many different quotes, all of which pertain to the ideas of different government. George Bernard Shaw is saying that governments can always trust on the people who are making their living off of them. Whenever this is occurring, the citizens and the government start becoming angry towards each other, which often turns into riots and anarchy.

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