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Animal Farm Character Comparison Essay


In Animal Farm, by George Orwell depicted a vase amount of remarkable similarities between the animal characters and the different characters in our own lives. Although, the book has many unique roles, each character with so much we the reader absorbs and retains to better guide one self through our own adventures much like it twist and pulled and structured their existence as fictional characters. Reading along I tried to keep count of all the different roles I stumbled on while taking in this strange but classic part of history, but three out of all held my attention. The similarities between factual people and of those on the farm are sure to make any sane person, think twice and maybe crack a smile.

Vanity first comes to mind when I think of Mollie. Not to mention, she seems distant and detached unlike other characters. This White Mare is always more concerned about her appearance and where that would leave her in her social status. Closet rebellion for the most part and she reminds me of a blond walking around with one of those stupid dogs held captive by her bright doggy purse. Similarities between this particular animal and thousands of people in or around California alone could be endless. Mollie flirts to get attention she so desperately craves. I use to act like that in grade school. When she sneaks off to get petted, she was just looking for some affection I need affection once and awhile, everyone does. Unfortunately, we live in a world where looks can determine or whole life, i.e. job social status type of people we associate with and ultimately what kind of upbringing we raise our off spring. I think Mollie shares similarities with a little bit of everyone and anyone who has ever been in existence.

Second, character I seem to understand is Benjamin, the donkey. He maybe the oldest but he sure is my kind of donkey, Have you ever been in around a group of friends and then all of a sudden someone says something you know will not sit with another friend. Then that person goes off like a loss cannon, my friend Teri is exactly like that. Benjamin. Tell it like it is spare nothing. He may be cynical at times but he an honest cynic. It also takes great courage to stand out and draw attention to ones self, I admire that in a person fact or fiction. Like when Benjamin, came to the realization his comrade Boxer wasnt really going the hospital but to his death instead. As the animals shouted and disbursed their best wishes and goodbyes, Benjamin got a good glace at the van that was taking his comrade away with. FOOLS! FOOLS1 , shouted Benjamin prancing round them and stamping the earth with his small hoofs. FOOLS! Do you not see what is written on the side of that van? (Orwell, pg.122) The harsh words that spewed from his mouth next gave me goose bumps! Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler, Willingdon. Deals in Hides and Bone-Meal. Kennels Supplied.(Orwell, pg. 122) That is one brave Donkey to risk it all to try to say a comrade and speak the truth. What is that saying, the truth sometimes hurts!

Final comparison of a little pig and or local campaigns bashing that takes place here in Merced all year long. Squealer early in the read was mainly the cute one who wanted to run things his way. But as the plots thicken and Napoleons Champaign got more a pain to overturn. Squealers hidden desire to dominant the other animals. Power and greed be the only leader. Smooth talker and the way his tail swayed it could make anyone believe him cause if he was lying he wouldnt be this passionate about his speeches. Or could he? Everyday we're forced to view stupid political TV commercials. One right after another, usually contradicting the one before. Give me this Ill give you that. Dont trust Meg Whittman, BLA!BLA! Who cares really if people put that much energy into producing a budget for the state of California and delivering it on time. That would be a productive group of politicians and I know they would have my vote.

In conclusion, many characters that stands out or holds our attention long then other. Maybe they share the same identities to people in real life you can recall. Similarities so diverse you may miss them at first, but then like a shock to jump-start a heart its there to jumpstart your reading assessment. But for the record this book, Animal Farm by George Orwell was only the second book I have every enjoyed enough to read cover to cover with the exception of one and one other.

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