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Angelas Ashes Response to Chapters 13-15 Essay


Response to Angelas Ashes: Chapters 13-15

Crazily, life has turned in a completely different direction for the remaining McCourt family. Theyve moved into Laman Griffins house and hes shown to be quite a picky man. He reminds me of a sluggish American man. Throughout Angelas Ashes Ive noticed that quite a lot of people have good hearts and will donate money or offer some food here and there, but Griffin doesnt fit into that equation. He has no pity towards the poor and hes the kind of guy that would say its your own fault that youre on the streets. When really, he has no idea what a mother has to go through or what the children had to go through. Because of the fact that Laman Griffin is hardworking, is a man, hes able to make money and pursue some type of career. Sadly, Angela isnt able to do that. Its shown to us that the McCourt family does everything in Griffins favor so that they are able to live there.

In the beginning, things are going swell. Theyre all getting food, shelter, obeying Griffins command completely with no complaints. But even Lamar Griffin needs his pints, not to mention womanly duties. What he later gets tired of, is the children. Theyve become an annoyance for him. He wants to sleep comfortably and wants his own time; not shared with kids. Its understandable but things get violent when Frank forgot to empty the chamber pot for Griffin. Frank not only rebels back because it was a mistake, but because Griffin has been sleeping with his mother and this gives him a worrying feeling. Frank doesnt really say much about how he feels about his mother and Griffin having excitement but once he looks more through those books at the library, he concludes adultery is a terrible sin.

Frankie also gets a job and earns his own money. A man, he thinks himself to be. Now I have to hand over my wagesI wont be able to save for my fare, and Ill be stuck in Limerick till Im an old man of twenty-five Can you believe that? Frank isnt a grown man because of his age yet he portrays one. Hes left Griffins house and his family members, to make money for himself and live the way hed like. He wants to go to America and be successful. Yet right when things settle down a bit better with money coming in, his mother finds out that hes gotten a job. I admit, I believe Frank to be a little selfish going out of the house and not helping his family but he needs the money for himself. Not just for fish and chips but for saving. The only way money can constantly be there is if a percentage isnt being spent.

Franks meetings with Theresa definitely changes the story around. Everything seemed to happen so quickly, did he do it for the money or because there was a temptation? First off, Frank isnt very knowledgeable in the subject of sex yet he knew it was sin, but he didnt care at the moment. He was getting a shilling and having excitement and I guess thats what pleased him very well. Theresa Carmody is very sick now, almost dead. Its interesting that Frank actually cared; he was a sweetheart and respected this girl. I cant understand the feelings going through me but I know that with all the people who died in my family and all the people who died in the lanes around me and all the people who left I never had a pain like this in my heart and I hope I never will again. He lets the reader know that this girl wasnt just someone hed get shillings from and excitement, she meant something and its awful how he didnt know what he was getting himself into till now.

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