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Authority in Animal Farm Essay


Authority is defined by power, power means control, thus authority is the power to control. Humans have always been after authority throughout the history, each with the same slogan: for the benefits of the others yet afterwards they have gradually changed it to their own advantages or have abused it. The reason is clear: everyone is after his or her own prosperity and happiness. Authority is unstable; it breaks down after a while or even strengthens. It is inescapable, theres no way of disobedience towards it. There are many ways in which authority can be exercised such as force, persecution, intimidation, respect, need, choice and even using a sense of humor and each is suitable for a certain circumstance. There are figures of authority who we encounter in our everyday life such as our parents, policemen, teachers, principal and many others. Authority is accepted by some yet denied by some other, but whichever it remains necessary for the functioning and balance of a group.

George Orwells Animal Farm uses allegory to illustrate the ways of exercising authority and also the ways in which it can change. In this book, each animal symbolizes a character type of the real world and the ways in which they influence and are influenced by the society are clearly outlined. This book was actually written during the 1940s by an adversary of Russian communism.

Referring to Animal Farm its seen that the pigs actually manipulate the seven commands because they want to sleep in beds or trade with humans to be able to live comfortably. They are more intellectually gifted so they decide it is their right to be the leaders and by persuading other animals they stabilize their posts. Yet there is a stronger bind that keeps the animals together, especially during the first days after the rebellion and that is the old majors speech; the purpose of what they are fighting for and the bright future in which all animals can live happily ever after. But the fact that some animals will try to change the advantage to themselves was not foreseen. Of course in a group like a family, love builds up the relations, each member works for all the family and the purpose is the familys comfort. Parents nurture their children and the children support their parents when they get aged. The parents wisdom is for the benefit of the family and the childrens obedience is the key for the familys balance. Comparing the animal society with the family it is concluded that authority can either be exercised by using intelligence and persuasion or love.

Authority is fragile. Jones lost his authority because the animals were so determined in taking over the farm. The old majors speech was the first spark of the rebellion which brought the animals together. The animals minds were built up, even before Mr. Jones was kicked out of the farm. Joness failure to feed the animals caused the first uproars which continued due to the other animals cooperation and finally caused the rebellion.

Authority strengthens or even weakens overtime. Napoleons authority was reinforced due to the presence of the dogs; they kill Snowball on his command. Dogs symbolize military troops which repress any defiance. This scenario is seen in Hitlers regime where he eliminates all his opponents using his own troops. Both Napoleon and Hitler stabilize their authority by crashing opposition. Even those who are not in favor of this action are too afraid to speak out or are stopped by the fearful majority who are symbolized by George Orwell as sheep. The sheep in Animal Farm tend to have less intelligence than other animals and are one of the biggest supporters of Napoleons leadership. Anytime the animals want to talk the sheep interrupt them. In a real society we refer to people who cant think or dont bother to think because they feel comfortable with the way everything is and are easily persuaded to accept the view of an authority figure. Orwell refers to sheep because also in the real world sheep are known as stupid animals and follow any way you turn them to .Another character in Animal Farm is the hoarse Boxer. He is strong and hardworking, and capable of understanding different social problems if he has the opportunity. He works really hard and if any difficulty appears he will just work harder. He believes in Napoleon because Napoleon has convinced him like the sheep, yet overtime he gets suspicious of Napoleons actions and realizes that none of his words make sense and after Napoleon and the other pigs realize how dangerous he could be, after he retires, they sell his meat even before he dies. So authority is inescapable; you obey or pay.

Authority can also be achieved by intimidation and threats. Any time the animals ask for a reason for Napoleons actions, Squealer (his spokesman) brings up the same argument: you certainly dont want Jones back do you? Jones has actually been known as an evil character amongst the animals and that makes them answer the question straightaway without a doubt: of course we dont want him back! But yet there is no one to think that maybe these pigs are becoming Jones. Squealers persuasive language powers enable him to convince the animals very easily; he illustrates and describes unreal scenes as if they are real and uses a complex form of language that makes him seem elder than the other animals and these make the animals satisfied.

When looking at Zimbabwe, it is seen that the leader Mugabe has encouraged his people to fight against colonialism and he promised his people a developed and free country; by persuading the people and drawing their trust and help he succeeded in overcoming Britain, yet he himself turned into a dictator. Now Zimbabwe has turned into a country which poverty is prevalent and its people starve to death although it is not a colonial country. This consequence is very similar to Animal farm, where the pigs overpower Jones and then turn in to a Jones-like authority themselves.

Using a sense of humor is another way of expressing meaning and making someone understand and see reason. The RTA propaganda, which illustrates an alcohol free driving, uses an image of a motorcycler trying to drink with his helmet on, and on the caption:driving and drinking dont mix. At the moment you see the image it makes you laugh, thus understand and accept the reason. But at the same time you notice that its actually a law and that you will get arrested for not following it. So the propaganda basically uses a combination of humor and obligation to present the audience with maximum perception of a law. On the other hand the war propaganda uses a slightly different method of persuasion. It emboldens the audience to participate in the First World War, by illustrating a young and fit Australian man standing straight and confident calling back for his friends to join him at the Dardanelles. Or even the other poster which shows an injured soldier, wounded and asking for the last call. Both posters are for the same purpose but they use different appeals. The first one says that if you are brave and fit like me, come and join the war. In other words the war isnt difficult for Australians like us and thats what persuades the audience. The second poster is more emotional, you express sympathy to the soldier.

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