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Corruption of Power in Animal Farm Essay


In the novel Animal Farm, which is written by George Orwell, the famous words Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely who is quoted by Lord Acton demonstrates that people who come to power want even more power, which therefore leads to corruption as this is evidenced throughout the Russian Revolution and Animal Farm. As shown, the highly educated people were always the ones with leader ship and the uneducated people were always the people who have the strength to overcome their leaders, but never took this into consideration. Nevertheless, the people still intend to work hard and never opposed the ones in control.

Firstly, people who come to power will want even more power, which therefore leads to greed and corruption. This is in Animal Farm, when the pigs take the milk and apples for themselves and say its for the farms benefit, also the pigs start changing the commandments for their own greedy purposes. One example would be how the commandment All animals are equal is changed to All animals are equal, but some are more than others, this indicates that the pigs are no longer on par with the other animals, but instead more superior. Furthermore this is exactly what Stalin did in terms of power, to control Russia he got rid of Trotsky to gain complete power. As a result he got rid of all the people who were highly educated. Evidence shows that people with power will always strive for more power, and consequently become corrupt.

Secondly, in relation between the Russian Revolution and Animal Farm, the highly educated ones were always the ones that had the upper hand in society, apart from Stalin who was poorly educated. This is evidenced by Squealer and Trotsky who both have terrific public and persuading skills which link to propaganda. Squealer always seemed to almost lie about everything, due to the fact that animals were uneducated. Evidence shows when Boxer according to Benjamin, went into a horse slaughter van instead of a ambulance, as usual Squealer came in convincing the animals that Benjamin was wrong and stated he actually died in the hospital and that the van had been the previous property of the knocker, and the van had been bought by the Veterinary Surgeon, who hasnt painted the old name out. As for Trotsky he always seems to convince his audience, but never had the ability to keep in control. As a result, Trotsky got chased out of the country by Stalins secret police.

Thirdly, as leaders enjoy a wonderful life, the lower class people suffer and conditions for them while working are terrible. Hence, people were forced to believe that their workings were supposed to benefit them, instead their leader who was Stalin and Napoleon, took advantage of them so that they themselves live a life that doesnt require much effort. Thus, this leaded to suffocation and hunger which started to make people go mad and was a sign of rebelling against their one and only leader. But somehow Squealer in Animal Farm managed to convince the animals that being a leader was hard work. This statement isnt true, since its proven by the Tsar Nicholas II that they live in mansions etc... As a result, the work that people did wasnt for their benefit, but was for their leaders benefit and this was caused by power not being equally distrubted.

In conclusion, its demonstrated that people who come to power will want even more power, which will lead to corruption. Also those who are highly educated in those times were highly likely to be superior, but Stalin made sure that those who were highly educated will be eliminated immediately. Furthermore leaders get a effortlessly life for doing nothing, while those that work hard suffer. As a consequence, Power Corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely because people will always thirst for more and enough is never enough.

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