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Deeper Ideas in Animal Farm Essay


Animal Farm is an entertaining and humorous childrens fable on the surface but deep down it has serious ideas and insights.

This novel, written by George Orwell, can be viewed to be an engaging tale for young readers. Its use of farm animals and a compelling plot contribute to it being a childrens fable. However, deciphering further into the novel, Orwell has included the political ideas of the Russian Revolution and Communist government. These are seen with allegory and satire. In developing these political ideas, important ideas of communism and corruption, oppression and inequality are moreover shown.

The use of allegory develops the link of the animals and the Russian political system. Orwell has intentionally represented Napoleon as the Communist Leader of Russia, Stalin. The novel allegorises the pigs, representing the political leaders. The other farm animals illustrate the subjects of the Communist government. Through these depictions, the development of the similarity between Napoleons regime and Stalins government is seen in the course of the novel.

The initial stage of the animal revolution saw the animals being content and equal. However, as Napoleons power up surged, his actions gradually converted into despotism [tyranny]. This is demonstrated when Napoleon executes innocent animals to profit himself and stay in authority. This act contradicts one of the Seven Commandments - No animal shall kill another. Immersed in his undefined supremacy, Napoleons ideals highlight the change of state in Animal Farm - a dictatorship state. This clearly parallels Stalin and his abuse of power, which believably led to an immoral government in Russia.

Orwell also uses the concept of satire, from views on the Russian Revolution, referring to the animals. The pigs are comparable with human nature. With the use of propaganda and exploitation, the pigs gained power over the other animals. The milk incident hints this acquiring of power, where the pigs manipulate and misuse the other animals in an attempt to extend their rule and profit only themselves. Squealer makes the other animals deem that the pigs ate all the apples and drank most of the milk for their health only. He mentioned that pigs do not like it, but need it because pigs are brainworkers and leadership was an intricate responsibility. This shows that trust and honesty is not equal between the animals. The novel highlights the greedy nature of politicians and how the use of propaganda and exploitation, reflects their unearned power over people.

The notion of communism and corruption is typical and yields an unpleasant characteristic of human nature. History can show the inherent selfishness of humans and to extreme extents how they are disdainful and scornful to others. Using this, Orwell weaves a story of human demeanors in memorable animal characters. Creating an interesting plot with complex characters, Orwell distinguishes the flaw in communism, being human nature. Communism and corruption are clearly reflected in Animal Farm. The pigs rest, consume large portions of the food rations and are continually provided with luxuries while the other animals work tirelessly, consume small portions of the food rations and are deprived of many necessities. Communism and corruption are evident. Thus the pigs selfishness, greed and their derisiveness towards the other animals mirror the setback of communism and the corruption of power they have outwardly created.

The concept of oppression is emphasised in Animal Farm. The novel tells of how the animals form a system of government [Animalism] on Animal Farm, where everyone is dependent on each other. However, the novel conveys that even if laws [commandments] and equality is present in the community, oppression will penetrate and seek to devastate this delicate balance. As the plot builds up, the pigs are blinded by repression and disregard. Instead of forming the ideal Animalism government, they dismiss the commandments and opt to be dictators. The pigs soon only care for their own welfare and become unethical and unfair towards the other animals. This undoubtedly has oppression expressed in reasonable terms.

Inequality is also accentuated between the pigs and other animals of Animal Farm. As Napoleon and his faithful cohort [the pigs] witness their supremacy, they begin to think themselves rather superior. Their belief of overruling Animal Farm escalates, thus the basis of inequality, between the animals, is established. This is represented when the pigs, unethically, oppose the initial regulations and sleep in beds. The pigs have better comfort compared to the other animals, as a result of altering the Seven Commandments. Inequality is expressed and it stands to say, that the meaning of this ridicule forms the divisions of classes in the Animal Farm society. The pigs signify the upper class and the other animals signify the lower class. It also is relative to the fact that the time when Animal Farm was published, divisions of classes in England still existed. This explains, that George Orwell used this system of England society in his novel.

In conclusion, Animal Farm is a pleasurable childrens novel, but underlines fundamental ideas and insights. The use of allegory and satire develop the relation of political ideas, such as the Russian Revolution and Communist government, to the novel. This maintains the essential ideas of communism and corruption, oppression and inequality.

However, George Orwell has conceived an insight [and message] in his book, which is thought-provoked and relatively genuine. This resembles past societies, present societies and future societies. His insight speaks of not having a perfect world. It is shown in Animal Farm, where the animals hosted the rebellion in search of a perfect world. In the end, it wasnt successful. The message conveyed is that to try making a perfect world, will be trying to make an imperfect world.

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